Do you use coupons? I want to introduce you to The “no clip” system I have been using this past year. The good news is this method actually saves time and really works!!!. I’m just warning you couponing like this can be addicting, as some of you already know!!!
I was introduced to this new way of couponing from my friend Karen. Before learning about this type of couponing my attitude was somewhat negative toward grocery coupon savings. It never really seemed worth the time an energy to save .50 cents here and .25 cents there. My interest was perked when Karen said she saves on average 50 percent and higher on her grocery bill and many times she gets things for free. The thing that got me was when she shared how a website she visits does all the coupon matchups for her and tells her the best deals. I decided to give it a try and was energized to shop and save with excellent results. My husband was even excited when he saw a receipt that showed 79 percent savings. I’ve always tried hard to save in other areas like clothing, decor etc….. food was a new concept. I’m really excited to be able to save on food and drugstore items. I want to be a good steward over what God has blessed us with; the more we save in all areas the more we have to give.
My hope is to see you gain as much knowledge in all the awesome ways you can save and contribute to your family and others in need by using coupons.
#1 My first advice is to go to Web site, read and watch her videos she explains the “no clip” system and how her site works. Another great site is the Grocery Game, watch Terri’s video as she explains her site and how the grocery game works. Coupon mom’s site is free, Grocery Game charges a small fee, first time users can sign up for a 4 week free trial and check it out. I did this and learned a lot.
Next bit of advice start collecting coupons!!!
- 80% of grocery coupons come from the Sunday newspaper coupon circulars, so to save the most you need an easy way to manage them.
- Save the Sunday Paper newspaper circulars called Red Plum, Smart Source and Procter and Gamble. write that Sunday’s date on the front and keep them in a plastic shoe box or file cabinet… Save the entire circular instead of cutting out a few coupons and throwing the rest away, you never know which items will go on sale in future weeks.
- Buy 2-4 copies of the Sunday paper to increase your savings. Tip**Dollar Tree sells Sunday Papers for a dollar. Be warned they usually sell out before 1:00. Also print coupons and use electronic coupons.
4. Time it right — wait until the item goes on sale to use the coupon
- If you use the coupon on a full-price item, you may end up paying half price. But if you wait and use your coupon when the item goes on sale for half price, you may end up getting it free. Many “coupon items” do not hit their lowest sale price until a few weeks after the coupon came out. Supermarkets put items on sale according to categorical sales trends, a marketing term that means only certain items are on sale each week. To win the game, you should invest during the categorical sales. This is one of the reasons that it takes approximately 12 weeks to get a well rounded pantry stock. Most categories go on sale for 3 weeks at a time. These sales trends are also characterized by seasons. For example, during a 4 week period you may mostly invest in 2 categories such as paper goods and toiletries. You will buy more than you need of those items because they are at their lowest prices. By doing this, you are building your investment in those categories. Then your investment will carry you through to the next paper goods and toiletries sales trend.
5. Know how your store’s promotion and coupon policies work
- If your store has a loyalty card, sign up. Be sure to provide your complete mailing address because you may receive personalized coupons for items you purchase.
- Pay attention to special promotions and combine them with coupons. Check the store’s sales circular for promotions such as “Buy 10 participating frozen items and get $5 off your order.” Use coupons on promotion items to really save.
- Find out how your stores’ coupon policies work. Do they double coupons? Up to what amount? Is there a limit on the number of coupons that can be used per order?
- Does your store have its own coupons and if so, where can you find them?
#2 Advice Watch the following tutorials and be sure to sign up for free at she lists the best grocery deals at thousands of grocery and drugstores nationally. Select and print the deals you like for your store in a few minutes. This is a great go to every week to find the best savings at your grocery/drugstore of choice. She has tutorials and videos on her site too.
Also watch these video tutorials from Southern Savers
- You will notice that some people use a coupon binder to do coupon shopping and others do the filing system.
- I use the filing system (see below) plus a binder for all the other coupons I gather from other sources.

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