(First, I would like to apologize to my previous readers ….I didn’t mean to send out the last post without proper editing, it slipped by me with one touch of the finger……) Now back to weddings 🙂
If you know me well you are aware of my love for helping other people with special events. It isn’t until recently that I discovered my interest in designing “inspiration” boards for weddings. I’m going to try and post a new inspiration board every Wednesday along with other little coordinating goodies. Below, I’ve shared vintage tins and labels that go cute with this whole vintage vibe. I also would like to share a little tip I came across that might help someone save money.
Notice the blue canning jar in the lower left hand corner above, isn’t it cute! Recently, I purchased 3 at a local antique store for $5.oo a piece. That might seem high for antique canning jars, but, I really really liked them so I decided to splurge. If you like these as much as I do and you want to use them for a wedding or event, but don’t want to pay that kind of price, read the easy tip below. Check out the photos and see if you can tell a difference…..
That’s right folks, FOOD COLORING….there is very little visible difference. The one on the left is a clear glass jar and the one on the right is the original blue. This is so easy and can give you the similar look for a lot less. Please note: Flowers will absorb the color after time but for an event that lasts several hours, you’ll never notice. Do a test ahead of time if you are at all concerned.
Fresh flowers make me think of spring and how God brings forth beauty from a once frozen ground:)

Happy Friday Follow – Rita @ One 2 Try. Please visit our Sponsor.
Thank you so much for your comment!! I am sorry I didn’t link up right, I couldn’t figure out how to do it correctly.
I’ll have the person helping me with my blog show me next time. I was wondering since I’m on wordpress and I don’t have google friends does that
make it harder to be involved? What I mean is are you suppose to have google friends to follow?