Next time you are in Walmart, be sure to check out the Norma Kamali line of clothing. I just purchased a pair of black career pants for $15.00..I was so suprised at the quality and the feel of the pant for $15.00. Tip***Go to the largest store in your area for the best selection, mine is Glendale..
Here is a dress that changes into 5 different styles…really fun!! Well, fun if I had my 25 year old body lol!!
Maybe it’s best that I leave this one to my neices and daughter-in-law!! Click here to see all the different styles this one dress can change into. $24.00

Are the pants true to size?
I went up one size but that is because of my particular shape….I think they are cut a little narrow in the hips. I tried them on in the store, so that really helped me decide. I hope they have some in stock at your store so you can try them on too, they are very nice.