I’ve been motivated to de-clutter by Amy over at Finer Things……anyone want to join me??? For months I’ve been telling myself, you need to clean out those closets, cupboards and basement…. “STUFF” piles up, builds up gets moved to the basement or shuffled into hidden places….. What happens when those places are full??? Things start becoming more visible in piles on the countertop, floor..etc. Time to resize; this house needs to go on a diet!!! My household weight loss plan of attack: 4 bags or boxes labeled …give away, put away, throw away or sell.
I’ll be back with photos to share my results… hopefully by next Thursday !!!

i’m right there with you! clutter clutter everywhere! just finished my 16 yr old sons room this week…3 bags to giveaway! woo hoo! starting on my room tomorrow. can’t wait!
Sounds Great!! I’m starting in my room….bye bye clothes I never wear!