Today was a very busy day…. with help from my mom… the kitchen was turned upside down and inside out.
The cupboards were wiped out top to bottom and many things were removed and either put in the garage sale pile, moved to the basement, or placed back in the cupboard. My kitchen is so decluttered, it feels amazing!!!
Thank you Mom!!! Next week it’s time to take on the food pantry and the office!!
I do have to say it is great to have a a de-clutter friend or family member to help you make it through the clutter free process, it helps motivate. I would encourage anyone who struggles in this area to get a partner and trade off each week, pick one room at a time in each others homes. Maybe you don’t tackle a whole room all at once, but half of the room, or a closet. Whatever you start working on, completely finish that area. Don’t take on a project that you can’t finish, it’s discouraging and you end up with a torn up mess. (Baby steps!!)
On a different note… Yesterday, I shopped for a bit and found some interesting items:
Meijer’s – had a vintage green garden stool like the one I posted about from Big Lots… it was on sale for 23.00. I decided to get it for my family room. If you are interested in purchasing one, check the end caps close to the garden area in your local store)
Wal-mart – has really cute Gerber daisy potted plants for $7.00, they say celebrate mom on the wrapper…be on the look out for those in the garden area, they come in pink and yellow.
Lowe’s – has a really cute Turquoise outdoor umbrella for $75.00 (I know that isn’t a great price, but it is one to keep your eye on)
Linked to spring cleaning carnival

Wow, I LOVE the colors in your kitchen — gorgeous and so peaceful!
What a great tip about inviting a friend or family member to help you…that’s a great way to get motivated and make sure you actually do it!
Thank you so much for your comment and for stopping by.
Having someone else to work with always seems like my best motivator!!
Your kitchen is beautiful! Oh, wow, I bet it feels great to have it so CLEAN!
Thank you Amy it does feel great!! My biggest problem now is keeping it that way!!
Thank you for your comment….
Thank you for becoming a follower on my blog! I came over to visit your blog and I love it! Your kitchen is lovely. You’ve inspired me to do a big clean in my kitchen too!