Flowers blooming in the yard and feeling the warm sunshine on my face does a body good!!
Thank you Lord for all the special things you do…. each day is a gift!!
I tried to capture Clover in the photo, but silly girl wouldn’t stay put…..
The planter above was a fantastic deal from Lowe’s this past December. I spotted it on sale for $49.00 while I was looking around at Christmas greens. I’ve been wanting a couple of these for a few years, but never wanted to pay full retail at $99.00 each. Half off seemed like a pretty good price, so I started thinking about the purchase. As I was checking over the urn and thinking, I noticed a chip under the edge. Awesome, I love chips and cracks 🙂 they were willing to take an additional 15.00 off because of it….so I ended up buying it for more like $35.00!!! Now all I needed to do was find another one to match….To make a long story short, I tracked another urn down at a different Lowe’s and was able to get that one for $15.00 (again because of a defect)…..It was such a big savings to get both of them for $50.00 instead of $200.00. I just saw some the other day and they were back up to 99.00 each.
Tip: Save big at Lowe’s by making after season purchases.

Your blog is wonderful. I’ve signed up for the emails. I’m looking forward to learning how to save more! I particularly like your mantra: Spend Wisely, Give Cheerfully. That really sums it up, and is how I try to live as well. Thank you for all of your tips!