Pics from Meijer’s, Big Lots
Garden stool on sale at Meijers- 23.99 looks gray below, but a truer color is in the photo next to my sectional. Cute!
Again, much better than the PB price.
Big Lots end tables…
Mirrored vanity…this really suprised me 🙂 seriously at Big Lots??? Really it’s pretty cool for that bathroom glam look.
$299.00 with the marble top and sink included!!!!… compare that to this Horchow one for $1,649.00

I sped right off to Meijer as soon as I saw this post. I WANT that garden stool. Gotta have it. I saw a bunch of garden stools months ago (for $20) at Big Lots and in a thrifty “i-don’t-really-NEED-it” moment passed it up. I’ve been kicking myself ever since. I wish my Meijer was as cool as yours!!
Oh, I’m hoping maybe another Meijers in your area will have one for you….
I found this stool all by itself on the end cap, right by the garden door entrance.
I hope you find one…. I know what you mean about kicking yourself about deals.
My butt should be smaller for the amount of times I’ve kicked it….lol
If I see anyother deals on stools I’ll be sure and post it….