Do you have a favorite store that you love to visit? A store that gets you kind of excited because you never know what you’ll find?? One of my favorites is Arhaus. I don’t go there bargain hunting, thinking I’m going to find some great deal. I go there because I enjoy their set displays and their painting ideas….. Wanna take a little trip around the store with me and see all the fun stuff?… What’s that you say??? You do…OK Awesome!
Look at the cool way they wrapped this ribbon and shell around an open book… why is that cool to me…I don’t know, it just is….maybe because it’s coastal or maybe because it’s just a great idea for a giant sea inspired book marker 🙂
more books held open with shells and ribbon.
After you’ve finished reading…wrap your book closed with a shell and ribbon…. I’m so going to wrap all the books on my shelfs with grocery bags like I did in Highschool!!!
Check out this awesome light….how easy would that be to make. The cool thing about it is….it’s like a pot rack only different. It’s a silverware rack. I think I’d do it with useable goods, that way when little Johnney needs a fork and they’re all dirty, he just snatches one from the light!! Now that’s what I call form and function….. moving right along….
another cool light… see the pillow on the couch…I bought that.
Here it is closer, isn’t it cute. I’m not following my own quote “rule” about not going overboard with a theme. I think my husband thinks I’m going cuckoo for birds and owls. I’ve been making birdseed ornaments and hanging birdfeeders around the yard. Plus, I have bird themes around the house and on my blog. I know how to fix myself, all I have to do is watch the old Alfred Hitchcock movie “The Birds.” I do have to say it isn’t as scary as it use to be, I showed it to my son and I think he thought it was laughable. (Only the over 40 crowd would even know what that movie is)
Did I mention they have cute table displays???
I love the way they used the handle of the cup as a napkin ring
Terrariums in all shapes and sizes. I remember my mom having a big huge glass bubble terrarium on our coffee table when I was growing up… Wow, everything old is new again, I wish I could say that about myself 🙂
Cute painted containers in all shapes and sizes. Note- see the corrigated paper on the wall and the post I did about it here….
Last but not least, interesting wall ideas. Look at the botanical prints they used as wall paper. You could do an easy DIY wall similar, just by going to this post and printing botanicals for free or by buying a book like this from Amazon. (Note how large the pages are)

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