I snagged a lamp from the new local TJ Maxx…. I’m loving the fact that this new TJ’s seems to be stocking its fair share of nice lamps. Here’s a pic… Plus, my mom gave me this vintage plate that I love….. it was her cousins. I’m going to start looking for more of these, they go nicely with the other browns in the room.
I’m not real familiar with the name on the back of the plate…. I’m going to try and find some more on ebay.

love that plate, great browns and little birdie come to visit, cute!
what a beautiful plate. i can see why you want more of the set.
Hey I was at TJ yesterday too!! I love their lamps and Homegoods lamps! You can’t beat the price!
Rene, I am just realizing how similar our living rooms are. It’s really weird. The white sofa, the pillows, the Greek key window treatments are like my ottoman fabric. Have you noticed? And we spell our names the same.