I listened on the news, as one of the Lake High School students, told about her experience seeking shelter inside the very High School the tornado hit!
I guess her and her family didn’t have a basement so they were told to go to the High School in case of a Tornado. When they got to the high school the doors were locked. They actually saw the tornado coming, and just before it hit, the power went off. When the power went off, the doors unlocked and they were able to rush inside. What a miracle….had the power not gone off in time, they would have been swept away. Thankfully, they weren’t in the area that was totally destroyed….I just thought that was an amazing story…
I feel kind of out of sorts writing my regular posts… I keep thinking about the tornado victim’s families.
I planned to share another Father’s Day DIY… maybe I’ll do it later tonight..

Oh wow. I am so glad they were uninjured. That must have been so scary.