Here is the before of her stairs. Almost every inch of her wooden floors in the cottage have been painted several times. My husband repainted all of the upstairs bedroom floors, but as he moves down the stairs he’s sanding them. The painted floors are really pretty but they show everything!!! (It reminds me of my white tile bathroom floors we had put in our old home…mistake!!) I know painted floors are really in right now, and everyone is doing it, but unless they are already painted and you’re looking for a quick fix, I would think twice about painting over unpainted wood floors.. ….I’m just sayin…
Here are a few before pictures of the staircase…. It has been painted several colors over the years.
My husband’s progress…. almost ready… my mom has been so patient!!!
I’ll show you the completed work as it is done……

That is a huge job Doug is doing. We just ripped up our carpet in the hallway upstairs and we are probably going to paint it because it’s an easy fix right now. However, we took the carpet off of one stair and the stairs so far look pretty good so we won’t be painting them. I can’t wait to get it done. I’m so sick of looking at this gross carpet.
You’ve got a lot going on this summer. Let me know when you have time to play:)
Noelle said she saw you the other day at Francescas.
Ooh, forgot to tell you, we’ve been going to Vineyard, talked to Whitmers there yesterday and also Greg and Judy were there visiting:)
Probably should just call you huh?
Love the puppy paw prints on the steps. 😉
funny 🙂 with the paw prints…didn’t know if anyone would notice 🙂
I didn’t know you started going there. They were all at our house Saturday, and I heard Greg and Judi visited. Doug and I were there a few months ago, my uncle spoke….we liked it.