I was looking through our July 2010 Consumer Reports and noticed the artical on top rated laundry detergents . Their lab tested more than 50 brands to determine who delivered the cleanest clothes. Tide has several versions of 2x ultra and scored the highest for regular detergents and those made for HE high-efficiency washers. The cost was figured at .23 cents a load. But, don’t stop with Tide, if you are looking for a bargain to hoot and holler about…
try Gain Original Fresh HE… coming in 4th, it cleaned almost as well as the leading Tide brands and only cost .06 cents a load!!!

this is great to know. buy tide cause i need a good detergent. i think ill try gain. i do a lot of laundry, and try and save where i can. this is a great tip. thanks!
I’ve always used Tide, but I am going to switch to Gain…as long as the smell doesn’t bother me…again with the allergy thing.