How do I dress my dog…. casing hotdog that is 🙂
With non other than the famous Tony Packo’s Pickles and peppers relish. My dad, born and raised in Toledo, the home of Packo’s ….dressed his dog this way and I’ve learned to love it growing up!
note this is with a casing dog not the Polish dog.
1. casing hot dog grilled
2 Packo relish
3 mustard
4 onion chopped
5 good bakery bun
6 Yum!
PS. I like some good kettle chips on the side 🙂

I love pepper relish on my hot dogs. Here in Wilmington NC we like sweet pepper relish also. I have even made my own before. It is very easy.
I’ve never tried making my own…. I’ll have to talk to you about the how to…