I was so blessed to see that Martha’s craft editor picked my little ol Father’s Day Paint can as a feature on their blog…
you can check it out here….. http://thecraftsdept.marthastewart.com/2010/06/fathers-day-clip-art.html
Plus, Laurie from Executive Homemaker did as well!! check it out here… http://www.executivehomemaker.com/2010/06/worlds-greatest-dad/
Thank you so much to both of them…they don’t know how thankful and blessed I am… I love their sites!
I feel like sharing something creative…..
Check out this Ruffled shirt tutorial from Made By Lex… be sure to click the highlighted word to check out the full post and instructions. She took a $2 thrift shirt and turned it into something Divine!!
Her Anthropologie inspiration… they are showing a lot of ruffles these days 🙂
… since I’ve been blogging I’ve seen some of the most wonderful creative ideas…I love sharing them with you!
“you are creative because you have the creator living in you”
(quote from my mom and dad)

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