I am excited to share a few pictures from this adorable nautical themed baby shower!!! They are from Abby the awesome blogger at Tales and Trials…..didn’t she do the cutest job!! Click here to check out the rest of the shower and get the full details. I’m thinking her tips can be used for a variety of different parties by just removing the baby shower portion. Thank you so much Abby…be sure and check out all her other creative info!!!
Aren’t the little flag touches cute…..
I love the IKEA cups she used!!!
For more nautical baby ideas check out Carmen’s Custom Creations…. here…… She has an adorable Nautical inspired baby gift basket. It’s so cute!!

Please Oh Please tell me that her name really IS Allie McBeal? Man, I used to love that show. LOL
I just did a nautical boys basket!! Check it out at my website!!
Carmen, that is such a cute nautical gift basket!!!
Dancy…maybe it is and she’s posing as someone different 🙂
That was just a sample invite from the etsy shop where I ordered the invites. 🙂
Abby…. I thought maybe you were just joking around on your sample…. or maybe not 🙂