Looking for something fun to do indoors when it’s just way to hot and the kids need a break from the heat. Check out the Crayola Website they have tons of fun things to do!!!
Nothing excited me more as a young girl then a fresh pack of crayons and a good coloring book…. I’ll have to admit, I don’t know if that feeling has ever left 🙂 If you are like me and you don’t have little ones around, you’re probably limited in the little kid fun factor area. Well here’s a tip for when you do have little guests or your kids say they are bored, keep a pack of crayons or markers handy and sign up on the Crayola website you get all these freebie down-loadable coloring pages whenever you want them…. along with craft ideas and games … plus they will email you coupons too.
Not all kids enjoy coloring and crafts but many do…. like this here big grown up kid 🙂
Check out a few ideas from their site…..
First….Isn’t this the coolest thing…I might have to add this to my Christmas list when the time comes 🙂
Few printable examples…there are tons more on their site!!
Make your own card or photocard…..

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