Yesterday I found a couple of chairs…. for 5.99 each!
I’m hoping to change them up a bit with a few slipcovers…
My other find that excited me were these next 2 Holly Hobbie pics…. I had a big Holly Hobbie picture above my bed when I was little 🙂 wow, these bring back memories 🙂

Awww, I loved Holly Hobbie when I was a kid. 😉 I think I had Holly Hobbie paper dolls, or were they shrinky-dinks? I don’t remember. LOL
Fab. U. Lous. I’m as green as those seat covers with ENVY! What a deal!
those chairs are in great condition. i went to goodwill yesterday looking for books and a chair. the book area was a disaster (so discouraged), and the chairs were in very bad condition (they should have been donated to the dump) . i left with a framed floral print from a magazine (loved it). i like holly hobbs 🙂 very cute.
Gina…I was nervous someone was going to snag them out from under me. I couldn’t believe how busy that place was…. Gone are the days when me and maybe two other people are in the store.
Aimee…I just hit it right…. I snagged a few AMAZING BOOKS… Sometimes as you know, it’s a zero find. I’ll post them.
Oh I love the Holly Hobby prints! My mom just brought my Holly Hobby doll to me a couple of weeks ago….oh it took me back, and she is now sitting proudly in my master bedroom!
You scored on those chairs!!! I just got a great deal on a pair of chairs on Craigslist- love them. Not $5.99 (my husband wouldv’e been much more happy with me) but still a good deal. I love decorating my home for a bargain! So satisfying. And the hunt is a lot of fun, too!
Those are perfect for your office, what a steal, they were like free! Did you go to the one on Reynolds?
Rene, these are so cool! They’re so retro. They’ll look so cute slipcovered.
Heather …awww that is so sweet that you still have your doll…Love that!! I wish I still had mine, I also wish I had my raggedy ann and andy!!
LeAnn…yes Reynolds… 🙂
Dancy…you are funny with the shrinky-dinks..LOVE paper dolls!!
I like the chairs you got. Can’t wait to see what you do with them! 🙂
Thank you so much Kelly!!!