I am so inspired by Kelly and her fantastic slipcover skills!! She amazes me and encourages me all at the same time. The chair I’m showing you in the picture below is what inspired me to purchase the waiting room chairs I bought the other day for $5.99 each… remember them here. I knew the way they looked they wouldn’t work in our home with what we have going on, but they were a great price and had that cool retro mod look. I remembered back to Kelly’s blog and her waiting room chair transformation. I thought to myself….maybe I can change these up a bit so they’ll work in our place….. so I went ahead and bought them !! Now the goal…. try and make some slips….
Isn’t it magnificent!!
Thank you Kelly for letting me share your work…please go visit her site to see her other beautiful slip covered pieces!!!

Hi Rene!
Thank you for featuring my chair. I’m quite honored.
I can’t wait to see what you do with your 2 chairs! I love the shape of them. And the fact that you have 2 is even better. They’ll make a great grouping.