I enjoy thinking about ways to decorate the home we live in….
as many of you probably do. But, do you ever struggle
with design styles and finding your niche? I hesitate to pin myself wholeheartedly
to one complete style because I like
so many… that is why I tend to lean toward an eclectic mix….
One home that incorporates a few different styles. Have
you ever thought of the idea of having several houses and how fun it would be to decorate all of them differently??
We don’t have several houses; we are so blessed to even have 1….
and believe me, I am so thankful to the Lord for it.
But, because I like to decorate, the idea of 5 houses strictly for decorating purposes…
sounds fun to me…..that is where 5 House Girl came to be.
I’ve composed a little ditty or a rhyme of sorts that sums up my thoughts.
I’m not big on rhymes but somehow it suited this just fine 🙂
The idea of 5 Houses sounds like fun to me,
I’d decorate each one differently, how delightful that might seem!!
The first a country farmhouse,
next a cottage by the sea,
with nautical touches and bead-board, that sounds so comfy to me..
Maybe a traditional historic with custom woodwork galore…
or a modern Manhattan Loft with windows stretched from the ceiling to the floor.
Perhaps this week I’d decorate a mountain home nestled in the trees,
with a big huge roaring fire …oh what a perfect winter scene.
But wait,
I have one more home, the most important of them all,
it’s the final house I’ll see when my Savior He does call.
The gates are made of pearls and the streets of pure fine gold
the foundation of the city walls are decorated with every kind of precious stone….
the splendor and beauty will be of none we can compare…
for it is designed by the Master Creator, our Savior, our one and only Lord!!!.
That poem is so true to me… I remind myself of the fact that ….although making the house a home can be fun, along with crafting, thrifting and cooking……I never want it to consume me. The most important thing to me is making sure my heart is God’s home and I’m ready for my heavenly one. My true desire is that one day He will say…well done thy good and faithful servant….
With all that said,
Welcome to the home that inspires me this week…… a cedar shake home by the sea…
Isn’t it a beauty…
What home inspires you this week??

Thanks for visiting Cranberry Morning! As far as a substitution for rice, I have no idea. But I’m curious – why rice? That is so unusual, for it’s usually corn, gluten (wheat, oats, rye, barley), and dairy that give the most problems. Were you tested for a rice allergy?
I’m exactly the same way. I love so many styles. Your poem rings so true. When I start feeling sorry for myself, because my home isn’t my dream home (yet), I shake myself, remind myself what wonderful blessings I have, and that I have a mansion waiting for me in heaven, that nothing on earth can come close to!
What a great idea! I have the same problem with my house being a mess of different styles and designs. I’ll have to look into getting myself five houses instead!
It’s not a home, but I am in love with the bakery from the movie “It’s Complicated.” I don’t dream that I’m good enough to ever open my own bakery but if I did I’d want it to look something like this:
yes I was tested 🙁
Thanks Rene for visiting my blog today!
I love that red ceiling too, very cool and it made that room…..
Your blog is precious…..
have a great day!
isn’t that poem so true! thanks for sharing.
Right there with you Rene. Sometimes I just get too consumed and I have to reel myself back in and remember what is most important of all!
what sweet words. that is a beautiful house. you are so right nothing comes close the home the Lord has for us! i am enjoying the one He has given me and all the people in it 🙂
Thank you for your sweet comment on Blissfully Content! What a wonderful idea…I love the 5 Houses thought. Your poem rings so true and that house is gorgeous!
First of all thanks for following me. I had to come check out who it was, and I’m so glad I did. What a delightful blog you have. I’m excited to do some more exploring!