Wow, One post I’m talking about making candles and the next post I’m sharing a more serious topic….. I guess that is what blogging is about….. sharing those different moments throughout a day.
I wanted to tell you that we are so thankful to the Lord for bringing my husband’s dad home from the hospital and feel like it is a real answer to prayer. So again, thank you so much for praying!!
To be honest, my husband feels like there is an emotional battle going on right now with his dad… it is sort of hard to figure out. One day he feels like his dad’s spirits are up and he seems really good and the next day he seems real quiet and emotionally unresponsive. He mentioned to me that he wonders at times if his dad is giving up. ….not in a defeated sort of way but that he is ready to be with the Lord.
I have know idea what life must be like at 94 or how the thought of life and the end of life might be sort of a battle. I do know that my father-in-law is ready to meet the Lord when ever that might be. He shared with me many times his testimony and that his true happiness in life actually began when he was 84 … 10 years ago when he came to know the Lord.
Honestly, watching the dramatic changes in his life is one of the biggest miracles I’ve seen in my lifetime…. It is so amazing to me to witness his transformation. He speaks the words “I love you” so freely now… where they once where never spoken. He told me several times that he no longer fears death or people, and because he no longer fears man he has the freedom to share what God means to him and how he wishes he had known His love earlier in life because he’d probably have been a preacher. He shares how these past 10 years have been the happiest time in his life and how he wishes he would have know this peace and happiness sooner.
My FIL is a very sweet man and I pray he is with us many more years, I do know where he is going when it is his time to be with the Lord. If you don’t know the Lord in a personal way I pray that one day you will ….even if it takes 84 years……. that is nothing compared to eternity.
…if you are interested in knowing exactly how this over night transformation took place in my FIL’s life just email me and I’ll explain in greater detail.

This post really spoke to me. I’ve been following along very closely and keeping your father-in-law in my prayers. Reading about how he no longer fears passing on reminds me of my fiance’s grandma. She often says that she’s not sure why she is around anymore and that sometimes she wishes she would just pass on as there isn’t much left here for her. All of her sisters have passed on and so has her husband and all of her sister’s familys. It’s a little sad to think that she would sometimes rather be on the other side, but comforting to know that she at least isn’t afraid. By the way she’s in her mid-90’s.