Some of you may know who our dog Clover is and others don’t. She is such a sweetie and we really love her….
I haven’t really shared this with anyone but I’m really worried about her. We’ve taken her to the vet twice in the last few weeks….. she has been choking and bring up clear liquid on and off 5-6 times a day….. some days it’s once or twice…. (today it has been like 8 so far)….the vet showed us the x ray and thinks something is wrong with her esophagus & trachea…it is like the flap that makes the food and water go to the correct side isn’t working…the thing that is weird is food isn’t coming up just clear bile…. the vet did recommend we put her dog food dish up on the stairs now because they think it will help is go down easier in the correct way….they have actually given us several possible diagnosis’s. They also say because of her age, the swallowing muscles can just be getting weaker…. The question is ….How do you put a price on your pet? Pray that we’ll have wisdom.

Oh, sweet thing! That’s a toughie! Praying for wisdom…
Oh no. I hope your vet can help her. You’re worried about her like you would be for any family member. I’ve had dogs age and it’s not easy at all.
oh no, poor sweet baby. are you sure she is eating if nothing is coming up? my mom just took her dog to the dr b/c it was bringing up clear liquid, and it turned out to be an virus she picked up. the other dog they have is doing the same thing, so they must have picked it up together.
that is a good question, i like the way you said it…how DO you put a price on them? my cat required very expensive surgery, and now she is on a vet prescribed food regiment. i work for a non profit, i don’t have extra money for this, but no way was i not going to do it. you know? and even now there is no guarantee the same thing won’t happen again, and it will be another 1000 dollars. everyday i hope it doesn’t happen again, but what if it did? i could cry just thinking about it and having to make that choice!
sending good thoughts your way
so sorry here of late some blogs bring me more tears then smiles……seems alot bloggers are facing difficult times with there pets….either vanished, choices like you must face, death. i had a boxer almost 13 yrs she went out 1 sat and later when i went to ck on her she was asleep forever i am crying now and that was 3 plus yrs ago i miss her terribly……..alot of decision is based on your finances, age of your beloved pet, and can the vet guareentee that the pet will be 100 percent after investing 100’s to 1,000’s of dallars…..and is the pet in pain…….i have had to make these chocies in the past and its hard and sad but we must put the pet in front of how we feel………i am so sorry for what your faceing my prayers and thoughts are with you and family and clover. ( i am sorry i wrote a book if u decide not to publish i understand)
Oh Rene, we’ve been there. Jackson was in the hospital last year at this time very very sick but thank you Jesus, they were able to help him. I don’t think you can put a price on your pet. They are family. I will pray for Clover. Poor baby.
You can not put a price on your pet, so sorry to hear that Clover is not well. Our dog of 15 years passed last year and I still miss him. I will pray for Clover.
Rene, I just lost my best buddy about a month ago. He had Bailey 16 years…she was the smartest, most loving dog (border collie) I have ever known…I couldn’t put a price on her, she was a member of the family. I miss her every single day, even though I have other dogs, it’s not the same…I hope you have a good vet that does everything they can for Clover…she deserves it!!
Praying for her…
Clover is beautiful! Saying a little prayer that she will be good as new.
Oh Rene’, I’m so sorry to hear about Clover. He is so cute! I think the name is perfect for him. I’ll be praying that God helps you with the decisions regarding your pup’s health and helps him feel better in the meantime.
Our little Bailey is a big part of our family. He got tripped up under my feet going down the stairs with me this past February and fell. He even busted through our baby gate at the bottom. It was awful. At first he seemed fine, but then he started limping and his breathing was labored. I couldn’t take him to the vet though because it was during a HUGE blizzard. We were completely snowed in. My husband had to keep going out to dig a pathway for us because it was the whole way up our door, and completely covering our car.
I did a lot of crying, praying, and trying to nurse him back to health those next couple of days. Praise God he eventually got better, but boy was it awful going through that. It makes you feel pretty helpless.
Anyway, I will most definitely keep you all and Clover in prayer.
Lots of love to you and your family,
Oh Rene! I’m so sorry to hear about Clover’s condition…..we don’t have dogs, but have been in the same position with a cat. It wasn’t until after she was gone that I truly realized how much of a part of our family she was. We now have one 15 year old cat remaining and will have to make some of the same decisions you are faced with sooner than later. I pray for God’s wisdom and comfort no matter what you decide….
Many Blessings,
Thank you so much everyonefor your sweet love and prayers for Clover…. thankfully the choking has stopped the last few hours and she seems peaceful…poor baby! ….. she eats 2 times a day and her dish is always empty but it does seem strange that the food goes down ok and not the saliva. We switched her dog food to grain free thinking maybe she was allergic to grains….it hasn’t seemed to make a differance with the vomiting bile…. although it did take away her itchy skin spots like a sweet blogger shared had helped her dog. It just seems like her saliva builds up and has nowhere to go or goes in the wrong place. She is on her second refill of antibiotics because they thought it might have been some sort of bug at first. …so far that hasn’t helped and since the x ray they started coming up with different possible reasons.. You all have been through a lot with your pets…I feel sad when I hear about what some of you have gone through….
Thankfully we have each other to lean on 🙂 Love you lots! Rene’
Oh sweet Clover! I hope he gets well soon! I have one dog and two cats and could not imagine our life without them although I know that it is inevitable. Its our furbabies! Praying for Clover to recover soon! Lots of barks and licks Clover!
Oh my…I have been there. I can’t put a price on my pets. I had to put down 2 beloved dogs,one a bull-mastiff and the other a boxer within a week … from failing old age and the other a sudden finding of cancer that was inoperable. I was heart-broken and in shock. I did everything I could to make them comfortable …..I did what was best for them…. I pray your Clover will recover and that it is something simple……………….Pets are family too………….
Aww, I hope she feels better soon. I have an older dog, too, and he’s slowly having all of these issues and it’s so much harder being the adult in charge of decisions regarding a pet than I ever imagined.
Our dog Indy, started throwing up two years ago, just before Halloween. We took her to the vet many times over the next two weeks. Each time they came up with many different things it might be. Finally after a really hard night where Indy threw up some nasty ugly thing, I took it with me to the vet the next day.
It was the fuzz out of the dog toys Indy loved to play with. We never realized that she was eating small amounts of the fuzz each time she took one apart. They did surgery and took a huge wad of the fuzz out of Indy. 2500 dollars later Indy is healthy happy dog. It was a lot of money but she was worth every penny. She was only 2 years old at the time so we hope to have her love for many many years to come.
Don’t give up, even the vet might not be able to find out what is wrong with your dog quickly. Also you might try another vet.
Hope your dog gets well soon.