We’ve been out of town…but I’m back. I’ve been distracted from Bargain Hoot lately for several different reasons…..
1. My health. I just started a really strict program and with God’s help I’m on a path to kick Rheumatoid Arthritis in the next 18 months…. I’ve never shared with you that I have battled RA for the last 17 years. It has been a long road, one I could probably write a book about. The journey has been extremely humbling in so many ways, as I have had to learn to depend on the Lord more than ever and others to do things I can’t do myself (which also requires more patience) …..That has been really hard for me, since I’m the type to burn the candle at both ends and get things done… I’m learning that is what got me into this mess in the first place.
2. We’ve been on vacation celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary with family (We had a double wedding) it was so much fun!!
3. I started www.getcampie.com .
4. While I’m on this new program I am suppose to rest a lot more ….so that means less time for everything else including blogging. I originally started BH as an outlet to give, help and encourage others in all different ways. …. In the back of my head I thought maybe, just maybe, if I worked hard enough on my blog and had enough interest I would one day place ads on my site and maybe earn a little $$ to help pay for some of my medical expenses….. I’m not sure where I see BH in the future…. I’ll just take it a day at a time…and blog once in awhile.
Thank you so much to those of you who have been an encouragement to me! Pray for my healing as I go forward on this new program…..
PS. I know it seems weird that I started another blog and yet I talk about blogging less. The other blog had actually been in the works for awhile…it just happened to come together just before I started this new program.

So sorry to hear about your illness! You have to know your limits and not work or stress yourself to death!! I have fibromyalgia and I too have to limit what I do or I end up in bed for a day from pain and fatigue! It’s frustrating as…..well, you know. Your not alone in your illness and talking (blogging) about it does help.
Prayers to you!
i’m so glad to hear that you have a new plan to help you feel better. good luck to you and stay strong!! you can do it, especially with God’s help. i love your new site and will definitely be checking it often.
I am so sorry to hear about your health issues! I will keep you in my prayers. Although I don’t know you personally and I just started reading your blog, you are such a comfort and inspiration to me! I look forward to your emails daily. I’m glad that you are trusting in our Lord and Saviour for your healing for only He can heal you and only in His time. What a wonderful, victorious attitude you have. By His stripes you are healed!!!!
Congratulations on your 25th anniversary. May you have 50 more! 🙂
Good luck with the “cure” and stay the course. I relate here to the fact that you will blog less and so you begin a new blog in addition to this blog….hahaha
I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been suffering from RA for so long. I hope that your new program is the answer to your health issues. I stumbled across Bargain Hoot a few months ago and have really enjoyed reading and seeing what you’ve accomplished with your home and more recently at your mother’s cottage. You and your blog will certainly be missed if you chose to stop blogging.
Congratulations on your 25th anniversary!
Hi Rene,
You will be in my prayers and I do hope you find some relief. My mother suffers from arthritis too and from seeing her go through this, I know it can be very painful and debilitating. You will be in our prayers so that God can take care of you.
Sorry to hear about you having RA. That must be very painful. I really hope your new treatment works for you.
Blogging can really take up a lot of time, and I think all of us bloggers feel guilty when we don’t put the time in, but your health is the most important, and all of his bloggers will still be here for you if and when you have time to blog:)
I’m so sorry that you have been battling RA. I have a good friend from school that was recently diagnosed with RA. I have been encouraging her to try a more restricted diet, but we will see what happens. I myself have celiac disease and eat gluten free, is that what your diet consists of? When I was first diagnosed with CD it was hard to keep on the diet because my body craved foods that I was familiar with. Now that I have been diligent at sticking to it I don’t crave them as often. Good luck. Stick to your diet for your health. Thanks for sharing.