Today I was at Home Depot and got a glimpse of the new Martha Stewart cabinet line ….they looked really pretty! The clerk gave me a catalog and I snapped some photos for you in case you haven’t seen them. I’ve been wanting to update our kitchen for awhile. When we moved in the first thing we did 6 years ago was paint our cupboards and change out our hardware. Since then, it has pretty much been on hold…other projects and things in life cause lack of motivation. Since I have been starting to feel better I’m gaining some motivation. Even though we won’t replace all of our cabinets in our kitchen I’m thinking about a few changes and after seeing this new line….Martha looks like a great choice with good options! I really want to add some glassed doors, more open shelves and beefed up corbels… along with a few new upper cabinets…. I think the great thing about painted cupboards is the fact that you can add to them and paint out the new ones to match and it all flows…. even if they are a different color. I’ll have to price compare with a local cabinet maker to see what my best cost option is.
PS. I heard they are also going to start selling her drapes/curtains in late Sept….I’m kind of excited to see those.
This is the only store display they have at our local store right now (photo below). I’m hoping they do larger examples. Loving this pale yellow….
Nice baseboards and beautiful extras like these fantastic corbels!!
No wasted space…here’s a cute end cabinet message center…
Really pretty potting station….
She shows you color ideas and has matching paint.
Plus special corian coordinates. I’m curious about pricing…the salesperson didn’t have any pricing info because it is so new… I’m so happy that they share the paint colors…. I’m really liking the yellow and green and have been thinking of doing one of them on the island.
Speaking of kitchens….I have been working on our kitchen back splash today and I’ll share a sneak peek. I’ve had bead-board wallpaper sitting in a box for the last 6 months waiting for me to use it. Well, the last few days I have been car less and felt motivated to get at it…. I’m putting the paper right on top of the Formica (sort of a temporary fix in my mind). They used the same thing on the back splash as they did on the counter. I’m not sure when we are replacing the counters. … I want to do something to the black edge, maybe paint it…. I’m not sure how well it will last. If anyone has ever done it can you please offer advice 🙂
Pic of our current kitchen counter and back splash:
after peek 🙂 one section done with the help of this product…..I know this is nothing new to blogland but just decided to share just in case you haven’t seen paintable beadboard wall paper. I’ve looked at another type and it didn’t have the same depth in the grooves, this looks very realistic! I noticed on the Home Depot website that Martha has her own paintable beadboard wall paper. I haven’t seen it in person to compare it.
…several more to go…. 🙂 Good news is it only took just over 10 minutes. I still need to paint it but it doesn’t look bad as is….
There is a little metal trim on the left side and at the bottom, I left it there for now….. I’m still working on an idea to protect the bottom from water…this section isn’t near the sink.

Does anyone have a picture of the Dunmere Bridle Brown cabinets installed in their home? i would love to see a picture of possible. Email me at
I ordered these cabinets at HD just a week ago and I am now having second thoughts because I recently saw the Dunmere White at Home Depot as a display kitchen and hated it! It looked very cheap and the cabinets seems to be cracked at the seems. Please help me ease my concerns!!!
I’m a kitchen designer that works for a large custom shop in Idaho. I found this site by trying to do some research and find out why some of my potential clients were so excited about this MS product. They are currently interested in either white antique painted cabinets or one of the MS colors (Sharkey Grey). Due to budget they are limited in certain areas. After reading all the comments, I see no reason to spend your hard earned cash on cabinetry that seems so destined to fail and then wait for ages to have it replaced or repaired. In my professional opinion you are much better off working with professionals from a local company that have the knowledge and ability to come to your house, consult, measure and walk you through the process. Most people think it’s way more expensive, but we are very competitive and believe that most local companies are too (especially in this day and age). The kitchen designers that work for such companies are very educated and most likely it’s their career choice so notably they are true professionals and know their product inside and out and offer everything if not more bells and whistles, not to mention fit perfectly in your space giving you a high end custom look that everyone is looking for. Reading this blog just makes me feel sad for the people who had bad experiences. It’s hard enough to go through a remodel, why make it harder by ordering cabinets so far away. Support your local businesses and feed your economy.
Custom cabinets can be competitive, sometimes not. It’s worth pricing, but a kitchen remodel is costly investment for many. The skill level of KDs certainly varies, so visit and review several.
Well, I’m back to provide my review/feedback after taking the plunge on MS and having lived with them for almost a year. In a few words: SO WORTH IT. We are a young family with a 2 year old and use our kitchen for 2-3 meals per day, so the cabinets get a lot of action. So far, I have been super impressed with the quality given what we paid.
We ended up going with the Dunmere style in picket fence–purchased 13 cabinets total (2 with glass doors/shelves and in cabinet lights, one with garbage can pull out, and a narrow pantry cabinet with pull out drawers in addition to standard uppers/lowers–a few of the uppers were 15 inch depth). We also went with an 8 inch stacked crown moulding to the ceiling, went with decorative end panel for the fridge unit and exposed cabinet sides, and bought under cabinet lights and a bunch of cool accessories (cook book holder, pull out dish rag rack under the sink) and we ended up paying less than $6k for everything with all of the promotions they were running at the time.
I am super impressed with the quality of these–all of the drawer boxes are wood, the tracks are smooth and soft close, the doors are all soft close. We have had friends/neighbors be SHOCKED when they asked how much we paid–I really feel like it looks much more expensive than we paid for them. We have had no problems with the cabinets in the last 10 months–even with a toddler opening and closing the lower cabinets constantly. The only complaint I have was that the delivery was delayed by almost 2 weeks, but in the end it worked out okay. Everything was packaged perfectly and we had no damage, and our contractor was able to install everything in a few days. I’m happy to answer any other questions about our experience or share pictures as I know how difficult a decision like this can be–feel free to email me at karahewitt5 at yahoo dot com.
What great news!!! I am so happy that you took the time to leave a comment and thrilled to hear how happy you are!!!
I would love to see pics!!! can you send them to Thank you!!!
Molly I have researched local companies and the prices are much higher. Can you recommend some brands that you think are better quality than MS. I would like to compare but new at this.
I purchases and installed two bath vanities in Seal Harbor. They were well packed and no damage. My carpenter said they were well made. They are beautiful and I get so many complements. I searched local and could not afford others. Definenately get the all wood upgrade.
Hello, I moved into an old home with old but in good condition wood cabinets. We had them painted white inside and out. Well, after two years the paint is starting to peel and they look really tacky. I am interested in Martha Stewart’s resurfacing cabinets. Saw a Home Depot ad that they can do a 10 x 10 kitchen for $3,995. I am sure that is with no extras but much cheaper than starting all over with new cabinets. We put in granite countertops so there is no way I am tearing those out. So when I get a minute, I am going to HD and check on Martha’s cabinets.