Today I was at Home Depot and got a glimpse of the new Martha Stewart cabinet line ….they looked really pretty! The clerk gave me a catalog and I snapped some photos for you in case you haven’t seen them. I’ve been wanting to update our kitchen for awhile. When we moved in the first thing we did 6 years ago was paint our cupboards and change out our hardware. Since then, it has pretty much been on hold…other projects and things in life cause lack of motivation. Since I have been starting to feel better I’m gaining some motivation. Even though we won’t replace all of our cabinets in our kitchen I’m thinking about a few changes and after seeing this new line….Martha looks like a great choice with good options! I really want to add some glassed doors, more open shelves and beefed up corbels… along with a few new upper cabinets…. I think the great thing about painted cupboards is the fact that you can add to them and paint out the new ones to match and it all flows…. even if they are a different color. I’ll have to price compare with a local cabinet maker to see what my best cost option is.
PS. I heard they are also going to start selling her drapes/curtains in late Sept….I’m kind of excited to see those.
This is the only store display they have at our local store right now (photo below). I’m hoping they do larger examples. Loving this pale yellow….
Nice baseboards and beautiful extras like these fantastic corbels!!
No wasted space…here’s a cute end cabinet message center…
Really pretty potting station….
She shows you color ideas and has matching paint.
Plus special corian coordinates. I’m curious about pricing…the salesperson didn’t have any pricing info because it is so new… I’m so happy that they share the paint colors…. I’m really liking the yellow and green and have been thinking of doing one of them on the island.
Speaking of kitchens….I have been working on our kitchen back splash today and I’ll share a sneak peek. I’ve had bead-board wallpaper sitting in a box for the last 6 months waiting for me to use it. Well, the last few days I have been car less and felt motivated to get at it…. I’m putting the paper right on top of the Formica (sort of a temporary fix in my mind). They used the same thing on the back splash as they did on the counter. I’m not sure when we are replacing the counters. … I want to do something to the black edge, maybe paint it…. I’m not sure how well it will last. If anyone has ever done it can you please offer advice 🙂
Pic of our current kitchen counter and back splash:
after peek 🙂 one section done with the help of this product…..I know this is nothing new to blogland but just decided to share just in case you haven’t seen paintable beadboard wall paper. I’ve looked at another type and it didn’t have the same depth in the grooves, this looks very realistic! I noticed on the Home Depot website that Martha has her own paintable beadboard wall paper. I haven’t seen it in person to compare it.
…several more to go…. 🙂 Good news is it only took just over 10 minutes. I still need to paint it but it doesn’t look bad as is….
There is a little metal trim on the left side and at the bottom, I left it there for now….. I’m still working on an idea to protect the bottom from water…this section isn’t near the sink.

I love it all. Your backsplash looks great. I was at our HD yesterday and saw that they now carry Martha Stewart wall paint as well….of course, very very nice colors…..Love Martha. When is she going to come out with tools for women??? I need a table saw thinga ma gig and that electrical cutter thingie and a sauder gun thingie too. And why did the guy at HD laugh at me yesterday when I asked for a table so I can mount my husband’s hand saw on it and use it as a table saw? I get that “you can’t do that” but he didn’t need to laugh. Martha we NEED you. Sorry Rene, I didn’t mean for this comment to get so long…..anyway, you get my frustration. I’m sure I’m not the only girl that has gotten frustrated at the big boy playground.
Very cute!!!!
Oh, I hope they start carrying her drapes. That would be awesome!!!
I can’t wait to see them…I hope they are really cute at a great price!!
maria…I totally get you and you are tooo funny!!Martha will own HD …I’m sure she will come out with a tool line for ladies in all kinds of cute colors…along with fancy tool belts and aprons!!
They are priced great. In the display area, you can flip through the styles and on the back of each design panel it lists the average price for a lineal foot of cabinetry in each design. They are slightly less than the Kraftmaid and Thomasville lines that are also sold at HD. The two I remember were $133/lin. foot and $148/lin. foot.
Love, love, love the colors and styles. So classic and clean looking.
wow! it’s going to look great! I am thinking about doing this in my kitchen when I paint my cabinets white this fall.
stopping by to let you know I’m featuring your blog tomorrow on my regular feature Featured Followers Friday
Thanks Deb for the price tip…. I flipped through the doors but didn’t notice the pricing. Glad to hear they are under Thomasville and Kraftmaid.
I wallpapered over my tile backsplash with the tin look wallpaper. After you paint, seal with a polyacrylic, and caulk around the bottom. Actually, this should be done with a paintable caulk BEFORE you paint. I have paper right behind my sink. It gets wet all of the time and I’ve never had a problem with it, the caulking sealed it up nice and tight.
Martha Stewart! Yummy stuff! Love your blog!
This is gorgeous! There are many good things about this cabinet but my favorite are back splash, potting station and message board.
Love the look of the wallpaper. Your kitchen is so tidy and clean! Can’t wait to see how it all turns out when you are done with your project.
Hi Bargain Hoot! I just found your blog and I happen to be a professional kitchen designer. I enjoyed reading this post and I must say your kitchen looks great. As a permanent solution I think the subway tiles (as shown in the Martha white kitchen photo) would look great. A lot of people are also opting to add a little bling in the way of some glass tile accents. Thanks for sharing.
We almost have matching Kitchens!!! Don’t you just love your BIG glass storage crocks! I love your post on Martha, too!
I was so excited about these cabinets until the Home Depot saleswoman told me it’s not a painted wood door, it’s thermofoil.
WOw..I hadn’t seen those yet. They are really gorgeous!!
Great job on the backsplash. It looks grand!
Wow, it didn’t look at all like thermofoil to me…. they did an amazing job.
It is called a pure style door. It is a 360 laminate ironed onto particle board. What makes it unique is that it is a 5 piece construction which means that every piece is individually covered and then they are assembled. It has the look of the painted door, but none of the cracks that develop over time at the joints. Its quite beautiful
suni, thank you for the laminate information.
Disclaimer: I’m one of the sales reps for MSL cabinets.
You asked about pricing and beyond the styles, colors, and product offering the price point is one of the most exciting. It prices about the same as American Woodmark (the entry level pricing). Martha is about value, so we actually offer more as standard in this cabinet than in some of our more expensive brands (my company also makes the Thomasville Cabinetry line at HD). Soft close is standard on doors and drawers and rollouts.
The moldings and corbels selection are like nothing you have ever seen in a kitchen. We have one that was inspired by a stable house that is nothing short of breathtaking. I have been selling cabinets for almost 25 years and I can tell you that Martha Stewart Living cabinetry is the most exciting product I have ever sold.
Once you decide to redo your kitchen, you can’t go wrong with Martha.
Thank you for the great information about her pricing and what is standard!!! Her cabinets look BEAUTIFUL…. and I love hearing about the special details like the corbels… that set her apart. PS wish I could redo my whole kitchen…I’m going to have to do bits and pieces.
Hi all:
I just found your blog this evening and coincidently was just at Home Depot today looking at cabinets. I am beginning to start renovations on a 1923 bungalow in a Fl seaside home. I loved these cabinets the minute I saw them! I definitely want white cabinets & thought I would go for a maple wood construction. But it looks like all the white MSL are made in the “Purestyle” a type of laminate. I always thought laminates were cheap and inferior quality? these certainly did not appear cheap. Any thoughts? Also I have never hired a gc or gone thru a home renovation before-any tips? BTW your kitchen is lovely-it looks very professional!
Thank you for your sweet comment! Your reno sounds like fun…. you just have to have patience. The reward is so worth the wait.
I hope you blog about it…would love to see pics! We have never hired a gc but have done renovations…infact we aren’t finished with all the projects in our home yet.
I don’t know if it ever ends. 🙂
Love the Martha cabinets! I’ve always had white cabints and never grow tired of them.
The only thing I might paint is my island. I’m just curious if Martha’s cabinets are paintable.
That is the only thing in the back of my mind that scares me. I guess anything is paintable.
Martha Stewert cabinets priced in 10,000 less than Thomasville! I am in the process of doing a large kitchen and utility room remodel.It took several months to get to the point that I was getting close to selecting a plan. I have gotten several estimates and plans from different suppliers just as the experts tell us to do. I threw in Home Depot because I wanted to see what they could do. That was when I got a look at the Martha Stewert cabinetry and I fell in love with them immediately. I immediately asked the kitchen planner at Home Depot to redesign his plan using Martha Stewert cabinets. MS has just what I want: light airy colors, open shelving pure style etc. The kitchen planner tried to bash MC cabinets just as the previous uninformed saleslady from Home Depot tried to do-stupid man! The next time I saw the kitchen planner he had changed his tune-my husband theorized he went home and told his wife about the incident and she set him right about who Martha stewert is! He had finally researched the cabs and was very high on the “Purestyle” finish. my only problem with them now is that Home Depot expects me to pay for the installation costs up front before any work begins. I don’t mind paying for the cabs but I do balk at paying all demo, electrival, plumbing, and installation costs to Home Depot in advance. I was under the impression you never pay the contractor off until the work is completed. hasn’t Home Depot ever seen Holmes on Homes? Home Depot says just trust them! What do you guys think?
Looks EXACTLY like my Diamond cabinets(AKA Thomasville, Shrock,Kemper, Reflections). I love Diamond cabinetry. I sell about 15 different cabinets lines and Diamond is one of the best. Good product for a good price. Martha Stewart put her name on a good product.
Now if anybody wants to work with a kitchen designer who knows what their doing and not pay everything upfront, let me know
Just wanted to let you know, I used to work at HD until about a year ago. I was not a kitchen designer but I did work at the service desk. Paying for installations up front is standard on any kind of installation whether it is something small like putting in a garbage disposal or something big like the kitchen install you are looking at doing. I also watch Holmes on Homes and I understand your concern, however I did want to let you know a few points. You might save money over hiring someone yourself because the prices for each install item are pre-negotiated by HD. The installers have to meet certain criteria to even work with HD. I worked at 2 different stores and at both the service desk associates, specialty associates (kitchen, flooring, etc.) and managers bent over backwards to please the customers. Obviously I can only speak for these two stores but if anyone was unhappy with anything we were always able to get it fixed for them quickly. Also, the contractors do not get paid until the work is done. The money goes to HD then they pay the contractors when the work is finished. I have seen them withhold payment on a flooring job until it was done to the customer’s satisfaction. Hope that helps. Like I said, I no longer work for HD, I don’t own any of their stock, and no longer have a vested interest in them anymore I just thought my “inside” knowledge might help you decide what to do.
Thanks for all the helpful hints. Regarding Home Depot it looks like they have eliminated themselves from my bid process. It has been 3 weeks and the “professional installation experts from HD” have still not contacted me to set up the site estimate. I advised HD(who sets up these appointments) last week that I was still waiting to hear from their installers. HD expressed frustration and advised they would get right on it! As the special price they quoted me for the cabs had a deadline of October 1 this tells me HD has no control over their installation crew despite big talk. I expect I will go with one of the othere kitchen installation groups that has been responsive to me and to which I have some control.. Too bad Martha has affiliated herself with Home Depot. If all Home Depots are as nonresponsive as the one in AZ has been to me, then her cabinet line will be shortlived.
Oh, that’s to bad you had problems with HD…..hope your kitchen project goes well… whoever you decide to use. 🙂
I cannot wait to check these cabinets out. I like the idea of how they put together a package for you with every thing you need to do your remodel.
I have been installing kitchens for 20+ years. I know people may like the name, but these cabinets are rather cheap quality. The industry standard box construction should be 1/2″ or greater for durability and long lasting strength. These cabinets are a only 3/8″ construction. Before you purchase these make sure you are properly educated and compare apples to apples. I can see this cabinet line disapearing after a while.
Good Luck!
Thank you for sharing your opinion…it is good to hear different perspectives it helps us all make wise choices.
Karrie…I totally agree! it is really awesome the way they coordinate things…..
I checked into the MS Cabs at my local Home Depot and loved them. I’ve read some of the comments above about the quality. You can upgrade to all plywood laminated or mid-grade for 15% more than the base cost and for an all plywood finished construction, only 20% more. I like the Dunemere door style and that was $136 / linear foot at the standard construction. Even upgrading to the most expensive construction they would be cheaper than the Kraftmaid that I’ve been looking at for years. No one has bought any at my local HD store yet. I’m not sure if I want to be the first.
Thank you for the info …please let us know if you purchase, I’d love to hear feedback…
I like the way your kitchen looks. We’re in the process of doing a renovation and our overall aesthetic will be very much like yours. What kind of window do you have over your sink?
Thank you for your comment. Sorry, I don’t know what kind of window we have …it was in our home when we purchased it…
BTW, a follow-up to my last post – we really fell in love with the MS cabinets and are probably going to purchase them for our kitchen redo. One thing your readers should know is that the delivery time for this product is 6-8 weeks, because they’re selling like hotcakes and the production facility wasn’t ready to meet demand.
Wow….thank you for the info regarding delivery time! Good news for Martha …but something to consider if you’re in a hurry for your kitchen redo.
In reply to Joe, these cabinets have a lifetime warranty and use a superior box construction method versus several other brands at HD. Compare the back panels to other brands and you will see a big difference. There are also many standard features available that would cost a lot of extra money in other brands.
Another reply to Joe’s comment above concerning the MS cabinet construction – yes, the box material thickness is 3/8″ plywood, but the back is also 3/8″ plywood, whereas many cabinets that feature 1/2″ thick material have a 1/8″ fiberboard back. The kitchen installer we spoke with said that using a thicker plywood back is a much more secure approach to fastening a cabinet to a wall. Bottom line – it’s an inexpensive cabinet, but the designers put the quality where it counts. My biggest concern is the approach to applying the laminate to the outer surface. It’s applied to each individual element of the cabinet door and then the parts are assembled onto the door. It makes sense, but I’ve never heard of it being done this way.
Let me tell you something about these cabinets, I fell in love with the color combination, full pull out drawers and quiet close. My husband and I were going to just do a simple Ikea kitchen until we could do a proper upgrade [you want to change the style of your kitchen every ten years anyway, right?]. I found out Home Depot was having a huge cabinet sale and I thought, well for a little more I could have much better cabinetry, and wouldn’t have to make the 6 hour drive to seattle, right?
I ordered these cabinets standard, I didn’t realize you had to pay for and upgrade from substandard. I was told 4-5 weeks for delivery……. 8 weeks later I finally got notice that my cabinets had been delivered and one was missing……huh? Thats right, one whole lazy Suzanne [ i ordered two] was missing, and there was nothing that could be done until they figured out why…..5 days later….they decided to make the cabinet, it will be delivered in two and half weeks….and thus my Thanksgiving plans are completely ruined. I thought ordering late August would give plenty of time to get my kitchen constructed for Thanksgiving. Not having the cabinets show for nearly 4 months postpones everything, The counter tops can’t be template without the lazy suzanne [I checked], so EVERYTHING is on hold for this last cabinet.
But I’m not done there, we are DIY-ers and brought the cabinets home and un-boxed everything carefully [this is my investment you know, wasn’t cheap]. I got assembly pieces THE WRONG COLOR!. I ordered an open shelf much like one on the cover shown above for an end cabinet, the shelves they sent with it were the darker shade ocean floor, not sharkey gray, I didn’t ordered two toned cabinets, WTF? Then one of my beautiful drawers was already falling apart, it was boxed really well, I will give them that, but it seems like maybe they screwed the facing too tight and the board just started to fall apart, i can’t imagine this being a possibility in shipping and my husband agrees. The construction leaves something to be desired.
What did Home Depot do? Well We are in a major renovation, and have spent a lot of time in there, for the most part, it’s really handy, and anything off the shelf has been great, but everything shipped, forget about it, the people at the help desk are completely overwhelmed and under helped. I was offered a $50 discount for cabinets that cost a small fortune, believe I took it and am still waiting to hear back to see if the manufacturer is willing to compensate.
If it wasn’t such a long painful difficult wait, and huge pain to get them into my home, I would have easily returned these cabinets, but at this point, It’s not worth it to me to return all of these pieces and be given a restocking fee. Thanks a lot Martha, hope you have a nice Thanksgiving, we will be eating takeout.
So sorry to hear about your cabinet problems, it must be very difficult!
A little update….
I just received my last cabinet [the missing lazy Suzanne]. It’s the wrong color, my husband is hauling it back to Home Depot as we speak.
Wow – this is all great info. We are considering MS cabinets too, but are worried that we’ll regret going with the laminate down the line. At the store, I had no idea that it wasn’t wood (Seal Harbor), but then again, I’m clueless about such stuff. Does it look like wood in a “real” kitchen? I keep telling myself, caveat emptor, but want to looove these cabinets because of the look and the price…
As a contractor and a kitchen designer for 10 years I recommend that DIY-ers stick to the easy projects. A kitchen remodel is more than the “bling” you see on TV shows.
Say no to Martha! December 13, 2010 at 2:43 pm
To everyone thinking about buying Martha Stewart cabinets: RUN, RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!
Why??? I’m doing a major reno and I want the MS cabinets which look beautiful.
I am looking at Martha Stewart’s “Weston” cabinets in the musket color. These aren’t PurestyleTM, but are only listed as Laminate. Does anyone have any first-hand knowledge about the quality of these cabinets. The idea of laminate doors scares me as a longer-term investment. Thank you in advance for all feedback.
I don’t actually have first hand knowledge about the laminate, but I’m sure the sales designer at HD will be happy to help, they all are trained to understand the cabinets. I would love to get some of her cabinets….. one day :). I’m a huge Martha fan and love everything she does…. the styles and options are amazing!! At first I was a little worried about the finish, but after hearing more info, I am sold. Besides in the future, if I ever wanted to, I could paint them. My husband said anything is paintable today…and he’s right 🙂
Have you seen her craft cabinet collection…. awesome! check it out on one of my other posts
A word of warning:
I spotted the cabinet door of my dreams when I saw the Martha Stewart OxHill door in Pickett Fence and promptly ordered 5 wall cabinets and a sink base for my laundry room. After I waited for five weeks, my upstate New York Home Depot called to say they had arrived. I rushed to the Depot, loaded them up and drove them home, only to find that they were NOT the doors I thought I had ordered. Apparently, the door I fell in love with that was on display labeled OxHill, was the double batten “OPTION”. This marketing/display fiasco was un-beknownst to two Depot designers, who later found this vital information buried in the back of the catalogue. My designer tried, unsuccessfully, to ease my pain (I had stayed behind to wait for the arrival of the cabinets, while my husband returned to his job and our home in another state) by contacting the local rep for MasterBrand to ask him if there was something they could do for me. Yes, there was. They could take the cabinets back (Home Depot would eat the re-stock fee because MasterBrand would not take any responsibility for their misleading information) and I could place a new order with the correct doors and add $155/per DOOR to the original quote of the plain OxHill doors. Needless to say, I’m not a happy camper, and not very impressed with MasterBrand/Martha Stewart. I’ll be sending the cabinets back and reordering something else – but not before I ask a million questions and triple check the order.
One final note:
If you’re ordering Purestyle, painted – you have to pay for the upgrade to get finished sides, otherwise, you’ll be left with a melamine-type side. Another upgrade – Ka-ching.
Christine sorry for the mix up…. so are you saying you wanted the double Batten Option and you ended up with the plain PureStyle without the battens? I’ll have to look at the store when I ‘m there next time to understand it more. I see the OX HILL cabinet on page 58 in the catalog. It shows the purestyle (which has the frame all the way around the outside) and the purestyle with the double batten option ( frame all the way around and two horizontal pieces evenly spaced in the center section) the Paint option you choose was picket fence. Is this all correct? I do have to say when I ordered some cabinets from a different company awhile back… the finished sides were an option as well….so I think that part is pretty standard.