I just want all of you to know that I appreciate your prayers and kind words of compassion concerning our Lab Clover….your thoughtfulness means so much!! xo
We started looking online at different websites thinking about the idea of getting another dog…. we’ll see… if might be to soon for us… I’ll be sure and share pictures if a new pup joins our family.

Rene, I lost my dog on the fourth of July. She was 13 and died in her sleep. Her name was Daisy and she was a pit bull. I have one dog left, an elderly gentleman named Jasper who is 12. I decided not to get another dog. However, one found me. Of the two days I took my children to the park this summer, on day 2 (July 22), there he was. Sam, a 12 wk old mix of hound and pit bull and ?, starved, you could see his bones. Mangy, hair missing and he had his two front teeth kicked out as well. Luckily, they were his baby teeth. He followed us to our car so I put him in and away we went. Sam is thriving and and Jasper has reluctantly made friends with him. It’s been good. Maybe someone will find you when you’re not expecting it either.
Oh Leslie I am so sorry about Daisy…
Sam was so blessed to find you…. what a precious story of love and rescue.
I have lost 2 dogs to cancer in one week. My bullmastiff developed cancer n her old age (14) and vet said it was time. Two days later, my 6 year old boxer’s nose started bleeding heavily. After x-rays vet advised she had a large tumor pressing on her throat and it was inoperable. The shock was devasting. I at first said did not want to get another dog. I am retired and now I could go and come as I please….well, it was 7 days later and I knew I need a new pal and friend. Vet’s office referred me to an 8 week old Boston Terrier. Love at first sight. That was 4 years ago. Last year, I wanted her to have a pal and we got an 8 week old American Bulldog. They are best of friends . They enrich my life daily. I recommend that you also consider a new pal to fill the void.