I just want to say thank you to the terrific blog Remodelaholic for featuring my Clock door that I did a while back. That was really sweet of them!! Please check out their amazing blog and their many DIY home projects….. I can’t say enough good about that place!!! Click hereto be directed to Remodelaholic!!!!.
Another big thank you goes out to Gail at My Repurposed Life for featuring my blog a few weeks ago….
I encourage you to visit her blog here and see all the ways Gail re-purposes things and turns trash into treasure!!! She truly inspires and is such a creative super sweet lady!!
I’ll be sharing some more home updates soon… my friend LeAnn from Vintage Sassy, click on her blog here, and I have been shopping up a storm to accesorize the kitchen …. she is very talented and I love working with her to get things done!! Fun stuff!! Next week I think we head to the Re Store and HomeGoods! I’m going to try and snag a door or cupboards at Re Store to make a headboard…I desperately need one!! Thanks LeAnn you are such a sweet friend!!

Hey Rene….you are so sweet! Thanks, it’s so much fun shopping for your house and bringing your true personality into it! Congrats on being featured. You deserve it.
Thank you LeAnn…
I think I’m going to go to TJ’s today and look for some shams….
didn’t end up going last night. I’ve been sewing/repairing my slipcover
so I can have two at the kitchen table 🙂
You’re welcome! 🙂
Our re-store doesn’t have very good deals on doors. But Jamies (n’ville) has great deals.
Good luck! Sounds like you’ll have fun making your headboard.
Thanks Gail…. hope the headboard come together soon 🙂