This really cute wooden porch swing is marked 1/2 off at Lowe’s….originally $160… now $80.
The swing comes in White and also in Black. Originally, I was told that this swing would not be marked down because they are stocked year round. We purchased one at full price just over a month ago thinking that was the final deal. Well, you can imagine my surprise when I saw them at 50% off. I kindly spoke to the manager and they did a price adjustment for me… I was so happy. That is actually the first time I have ever asked for the Mgr. of a store, I’m kind of non confrontational. I was really sincere when I addressed my issue and he totally understood….he was the one who actually told me they wouldn’t be marked down …lol. He said last year they didn’t and they sat in the shelf all winter. So I learned something…if you are kind, sincere and honest stores are willing to bend the rules. 🙂

Omygosh, I must have this! Fingers crossed they are in stock this weekend. Thanks for the heads up!
You are welcome! Hope they still have one for you somewhere out there!