So this year I went with the basic burlap wrap like you see on all the little trees…..
for our larger tree base.
Here is my inspiration :)..these 3 little trees 🙂
I used 6 yards of burlap and cut it into 2 – 3 yard pieces….. then I just laid them on the ground and overlapped them a bit and scooted them under the tree stand so it was centered.
Next we wrapped the stand with an old comforter…
and gathered the burlap around the base and tied it with twine….
We’re kind of going with a natural /neutral tree this year so it works well…. the tree isn’t totally decorated yet 🙂
Something got on my camera lens so it’s blurry…sorry… but you get the idea 🙂 this tree stand is to big for the metal tub we use with our 7′ …..hopefully this burlap doesn’t aggravate the ol allergies… it kind of has a smell 🙂 we might have to go with plan B….this is it for now, hopefully… I won’t have to change.

There is definitely a connection between, because you read my mind. Thank you, I was wondering what to do for a tree skirt this year and now I know.
I love those little unusual tree. They are so cute. Burlap is everywhere and I like the texture and natural look of it. But some of that fancy shamancy kind with all of the french words on it, holy cow, it costs an arm and a leg. The designers I work for have been bringing it in to my workroom to make pillows, I cannot believe the cost, when you can get the plain stuff for so reasonable. Thanks for stopping by “In His Grip”.
Hi! I found you through Nester’s tumblr site. I love your blog and all your great projects!! It’s a snowy cold day where I am so I have time to read the rest of your blog 🙂
I love that your ideas are so easy to do and I usually have the stuff around wait to find a use. thanx
I love this. Natural. Neutral. Easy Christmas.
great ideas!
today on Velvet & Linen, Brooke features cute burlap wrapped topiaries too! I love the texture burlap adds to a room…..
Loved your idea so I just tried it on my poinsettias. Looks great!
I love this! We did burlap under our tree this year too…I love the look!