Have you ever wanted some product to flock your own Christmas tree ? …I always remember it looked so pretty when my parents had our live christmas tree flocked.. it looked like real snow 🙂
Do they flock trees in your area… they don’t do it where we live.. I am interested in flocking our artificial tree and came across this product called Sno-Jet for DIY Christmas tree Flockers…sounds kind of weird… Did you just think of Ben Stiller 🙂
Anyway, I just thought I’d share the info about this spray on snow in case anyone else is interested. It does seem kind of expensive, and I’m not sure how long it will last, but I’m thinking I’ll try it on a small artificial tree before I invest in enough product for our larger tree. This is totally different than the window spray product!

Thank you for your visit to My Cozy Corner. I love the idea of flocking something with snow, but I don’t know what to spray. I also love a bargain, so I will be back to visit soon.
i would love a flocked tree this yr, but my guys still want the ole fashioned green….we’ll get our tree this Sunday! Wish I would’ve done it last wknd cuz i’m having a small party here the next Saturday…..December is too jam packed always, right?