My number ONE favorite landmark in St. Petersburg is the Don CeSar Beach Resort Hotel located on St. Pete beach. It’s a 10-story, 312-room Moorish palace, with private baths, penthouse suites and a grand ballroom. Its doors opened to guests in 1928!! As you can see from the picture, its exterior is a smashing beautiful pink/salmon color and it’s unmistakable when driving down the beach. I’ve heard the hotel color is actually patented. Is that possible?
It cost approx $350 a night during peak season. Off season you can stay for approx. $215 a night. If you live in St. Pete or are visiting, you can just lie out on the beach in front of the hotel and enjoy the beautiful backdrop. That’s what I use to do 🙂
I found some great photos on Flickr.
One of my husbands friends use to work the DC pool area and hand out beach towels to the hotel guests. What do you bet he loved his job…. I guess that’s why he was still doing it into his 30’s. His nickname was Paul man…I think because he use to say “man” all the time.
LOVE those pink and white striped cloth awnings!!! There I go again about cloth awnings….. Just can’t help me-self!!
It’s a beautiful location for a wedding, but be prepared to shell out a few, and I’m not talking sea shells!! 🙂
St. Pete also has one of the prettiest downtown areas I’ve seen. It is loaded with wonderful shops and restaurants.
There are several other attractions such as The Pier, great museums, and professional sporting events. Busch Gardens and Disney World aren’t that far away either and other great beaches are near by like Clearwater.

Seeing these tropical images is SUCH a treat in the cold of winter (man)!!
Thanks for the comment Rene’…it was nice to enjoy some warm weather for a change.
I’m soooo wanting a warm vacay….this looks heavenly…..
trying to get Steven to commit to a warm getaway for Spring Break….we’ll see……
I love Florida, but I also LOVE the Bahamas and now wanting to go further to Turks & Caicos…
but I’ll take any of these!
The Don Caesar is on my list of hotels to visit. My friend has a condo right over the bridge from this hotel so we visited the outdoor pool/bar area. They also have some lovely shops and a cute ice cream parlor. Didn’t get a chance to check out the downtown shops, though.
I need to do that.