A reader emailed me and shared an even easier and way better cake in a cup recipe using a box cake and water.
I decided to try this new one and found the results were MUCH better according to Mr. BH. I’m not eating sugar right now so I can’t try any of these…..
For this new and improved Best cake in a cup recipe follow along as I proceed to tackle this easy microwave dessert that my reader Christy was so kind to share. She wrote me and said her family makes this quick and easy method often and they all love it, especially the kids who have fun making it themselves! All you need to do is keep a box cake on hand and add water..
Here’s the lowdown: I just took 1/4 cup of cake mix and stirred half of 1/4 cup of water into the mix. I stirred until it was a cake batter consistency as Christy reccomended.( This can be stirred and cooked in the same coffee cup. ) If it seems to thick you might have to add a tad more water, but don’t make it soupy. Mine was more like a pudding consistency. My microwave isn’t as powerful, so I cooked mine for 2 minutes at 1/2 power cooking temp. Next I let it sit for about 2 minutes. Christy only needs to do hers for 1 minute at half power.
Christy added: My kids love it. We just keep a box of cake mix on hand and use it as we go!
We have added ice cream toppings too: like butterscotch, fudge syrup, and choc. chips… add a dollop or scoop of ice cream, and you are in heaven. Cool thing is with this way of doing it, you are way less on the calories and it tastes the same!!!
The beauty of this little treat is it’s a one serving portion, so you don’t have a big tempting cake sitting around.
This would be great for anyone, especially kids, college students in a dorm, retirees and dieters. Ever since I told my mom about this recipe she has enjoyed making these little treats for herself. She said it’s just enough for a little satisfying snack.

No, not another even easier recipe for cake in a cup :). Making cake even easier to eat … sweets are my downfall. This looks so delicious!
another one cup wonder! I love this recipe even better cause I can use different cakes boxes! I absolutely love this concept because I can have a big cake on the counter and what is good for dessert tonight is not what they want the next night kwim? sooo I can do different desserts on dif nights or no dessert at all if we don’t want it. thank you so much for sharing this!
I appreciate Christy sharing this tip….. sweets are my downfall too! I’m not allowed to have them on my diet…. that’s why making these little babies gives my husband a little something somethin and I don’t have a big cake calling my name all day long :). …. My mom had a good idea…. she said you could use a butter or white cake and top it with strawberries or any fruit. Tip: this isn’t something you make ahead…they dry out way to much!
Tried this tonight…found that with our standard coffee cup, the 1/4 and 1/8 method was too little (used up less than half of the cup. Had to alter times too, since even when following the recipe (and using a fairly new microwave) the Cristi time was too short, but your time was too long. Think I got it mostly ironed out though (by the 4th cup) 🙂 Thanks for sharing the recipe! It has made my baking life MUCH easier!
Melissa, I’m glad you got it figured out.
My mom starting making one of these every night with a dab of icecream. She said it just hit the spot…for a nice little treat.
Hope you enjoy:)
No eggs or oil? Just water?
Thats correct…just water. Also check out the recipe in the comments that mentions mixing an angel food cake mix in and just adding water.
Thanks. I just topped this with eggnog. YUMMY!
Sounds delish, Puoci!
I just made this and used about a tablespoon of yogurt too! It had a great spongey consistency! Thank you for sharing I will have to remember this for when my willpower gets the best of me.
Emily, Thanks for the yogurt tip!!
Hi. Is it just a normal cake mix or a special microwave cake mix.
Oh and Happy St Patricks Day from Ireland.
Hi Chris it’s a regular mix….Happy St. Patricks Day to you…too!!! That’s cool that you are in Ireland…would love to visit one day 🙂
Tried it once. . . loved it! Had to go make another . . .. yummmmm! I really like the no egg part and I stirred in a little coconut. Tasty! Thank you so much.
yum, the coconut addition sounded delish!
Awesome! I’ve been looking for a recipe like this, but everything I found said to mix the regular cake mix with angel food cake. This is perfect!
Mia, I hope you enjoy!! Thank you for stopping by and commenting!!
I will have to adjust time and power setting. Cooked mine too long 🙁
Hi Glenda,
Sorry yours overlooked. Hope it works better for you next time
Thanks for your comment!
Soooo good! So glad I stumbled across this recipe! I’m not ashamed to say I just ate this for breakfast 🙂
I cooked mine for 1:15 & it turned out perfect (for my liking, anyway). I added a spoonful of whipped cream cheese frosting & mixed it all up. It probably didn’t look all that appetizing at that point, lol, but it doesn’t matter because is was delicious!!! Thank you! 😀
Oh my! The addition of the whipped cream cheese frosting sounds amazing!!
I tried this as above, using a German Chocolate cake mix, then added some pecan/coconut/caramel frosting to it after cooking. It was great, but it was fairly small. I will double it next time.
The next night, I tried it using half German Chocolate, half Angel Food cake mixes. Be warned that the Angel Food cake does something to it, basically acting as a leavening agent. My cake foamed over the cup, leaving a giant awful mess in the microwave. (Although what stayed in the cup cooked perfectly and tasted awesome.)
If you are keeping your frosting in the refrigerator after using it (which you should be!), I would recommend letting the amount you plan to put on top of your cake get to room temperature before topping the cake. The cold was a bit off-putting with the warm cake.
Thank you so much for your cake tips. It will help the next time I make it with angel food cake.
Hey all,
so eliminate confusion……..how about saying use 1/8th cup water>
I just tried this receipe and OMG! the best and the last receipe I’ll ever use!
Thanks for sharing!
Hi there, just tried this last night with ice cream for dessert. Absolutely yummy and so easy!
Pinning, facebooking, and tweeting!
Have a great day,
Val @ artsybuildinglady.blogspot.ca
I just made this tonight with a caramel apple cake mix. I used 2 oz cake mix and 1 oz + 1 TBSP of water. I cooked it for 1 minute and 50 seconds at full power in a 900 watt microwave. It was perfect and delicious! I look forward to trying with other varieties of cake mix!
Just made this for my family using Duncan Hines Classic Dark Chocolate Fudge cake mix. I added a heaping TSP of Duncan Hines Dark Chocolate Fudge Icing in the center & then cooked it for approximately one minute & twenty seconds (give or take). No words……when something makes 2 teenagers not only stop talking, but put down their cell phones…… Amazing!!! Thank you for the recipe!!!!
Just had this after dinner with sugar free cake mix and sugar free frosting. Excellent!!
You can stick either 2 mini Reeses Peanut Butter cups or 2 squares of Hershey’s chocolate bar in the middle of the batter and cover it up with batter and you will have a molten chocolate cake! It is so ooey gooey and sooo delicious!!!
Just tried this with Duncan Hines Golden Butter cake mix and after I stirred it up, I added a teaspoon of Nutella, which sunk down into the batter.
Cooked for about 1 minute 25 seconds at 50% and yum!
Butter cup of cake filled with warm, creamy chocolate hazelnut!
Perfect measurement for the white Wilson Ceramic Baking Mugs that come in a set of 4
Hi, thanksssssssss is a great recipe
I used 1/4 cup cake mix
1/4 cup oat flour
1/4 cup water or milk
Delicioussssss and half healthy
I use coffee or milk rather than water and either is awesome!
Great! Thanks!!
Awesome! so glad you liked it! Thank you for sharing your additions!
Oh my goodness!! sounds delish!!
Sounds amazing!!!
Use a pint canning jar, and double the amounts. Eat half, put the lid on and have the rest tomorrow…….for breakfast! ( wide mouth jar)
I just used 5 tablespoons of a confetti cake mix and 3 tablespoons of milk and microwaved for 1 minute and 20 seconds and topped cake with icing in a mug and it made the perfect cupcake. I researched this because I was buying those in the stores premix for cake in a mug and wondered if I could make it on my own and sure enough you can do this with regular cake mix without adding eggs, oil, or the angel food mix.
Made this and added a few milk and white chocolate chips. Had to add an extra 30 seconds, but it was worth it.
Thanks for the recipe.
1/4 cup cake mix
2 Tbsp. Water, coffee, milk, or other liquid.
1/8 cup =. 2 Tablespoons.
You’re welcome.
Love, Grandma
Thanks for the tips!! Sounds great!