Isn’t that a song? Oops it’s NO sugar tonight in my coffee, No sugar tonight in my tea!
He He…. Can you Guess Who sang that…:)
I had to share these little heart shaped sugars that are made to rest perfectly on the edge of a tea or coffee cup. I originally purchased them for a very special wedding event 🙂 I was going to provide a link for you, but I’m having so much trouble locating them online. If anyone is interested and finds these little french gems, please leave a comment so others can locate them too…Thanks!!
See how pretty they look…. they are so fun for Valentine’s day!
the box looks like this…
They come in layers according to their color…..
I found some heart shaped marshmallow’s here at Amazon, and some heart shaped sugars here and here. They aren’t exactly the same, but they are heart shaped.

goodness, aren’t they the cutest things! so glad you shared them!
Are you looking for this site ? I think these are cool, never seen them. I hope to find how to make them, they would be great for my church fair that we have. I love your site, its given me some great ideas on decorating and some crafts. I tried the birdseed ornaments which were great for Christmas and can’t wait until it gets warmer here and plan to try that beeswax candles.
Thank you so much for your comments cape on the corner and Nadine…they are little cuties!! Nadine, the beeswax candles are really fun, I think you’ll enjoy making them. Also, I’m thinking I originally got the sugars from Sur La Table, but it doesn’t show in the link that they carry them any more. 🙁 Maybe they are just sold out for Valentime’s Day.