There are 3 different ways to enjoy a dry erase board…
1. Go buy a 4×8 Dry Erase Board with a silver frame at Office Depot for $279.00. ( expensive)
2. Paint a surface with dry erase board paint. The 2 video’s shown below show you the step by step painting process and also demo how to turn a table into a dry erase surface!! Cool idea, how fun would that be in a kids room!! Idea paint can be purchased at Lowe’s. I just saw it yesterday in an isle display. It looks like this:
Idea Paint at Lowe’s for $29.98
3. The other way you can go about getting a dry erase board is to Purchase a 4×8 sheet of smooth, white ,water proof shower board (tile board) at Lowe’s or Home Depot for $15. (I saw it on sale for $11 something yesterday at Lowe’s) We didn’t have a truck or we would have bought it right then)I was hunting around for dry erase board info and came across thispost at mind Frenzy. It described using water proof shower board in place of a dry-erase board. The beauty is how much money you’ll be saving when you pay $15.00 for the 4×8 sheet.. Compared to $279.00 at Office Depot. Watch for my upcoming dry erase board project…I can’t wait to get a giant scribble pad in my office 🙂
There are different paints out there that turn a surface into a dry erase board….here are a few video’s that show you the “how to” painting process….

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