I was looking for some ways to incorporate some reclaimed wood into our home and came across the following items. I’ll be adding more to the list as I discover them. …. there are a lot out there and most of the pieces are really expensive. The last photo on this list is a look -a- like and not real reclaimed wood.
Be sure and check out my next post about reclaimed wood….I’ve incorporated some inspirational photos.
Reclaimed Wood Bundle Stool – 18 Tall by Shiraleah $159.99
Holbrook Side End Table, 24made from reclaimed wood… $249.00
Check out the above Reclaimed wooden Holbrook Console Table, 30 for $379.00 at Amazon.
Overstock table- made to look like reclaimed wood.
Here is a picture I saw on the Painted cottage…Thank you Angela!
Check out the rustic coffee table in the middle of a more traditional updated setting!! LOVE this look!!! Seriously, look at that mirror. How about those tree trunk end tables!!!!
$ 280.00 Sears
Burl Wood: end table
Crate and barrel driftwood end table $399.00 Love how it looks in the contemporary setting- below
I seriously love this mirror and don’t think it’s a bad price at $199.00
Wood and creek furniture

All 5 above reclaimed wooden pieces are from wood and creek furniture. I didn’t check pricing, I just thought they were really cool! Love the rugged simplicity of the last one.
For a simple way to bring some reclaimed wood into your home check out the Nesters post where she shares about using old wooden dough bowls in her decor…..
She also mentions how it’s all Angela’s cottage’s fault 🙂 That is funny how she put it like that. 🙂 I can totally see why she would blame her!! I wish I had a lot of things to blame her for…. like everything in her amazing cottage!!!
she even has some root wood end tables!
Plus, she has a bunch of what looks like reclaimed wood or something rustic-ish-ly similar! She’s another one of those people who even make antlers look good!! I still haven’t caved to the idea of buying any of those horns yet.
I could talk about every single room and how every detail is amazing. You have to go check it out for yourself!!
Click here for the cottage info 🙂
What’s with all the love for roots and wood and stone these days…… I feel like saying Me Cave Man Woman …me like wood and stone, me make fire!!. It’s almost like I’d be happy living like the Flintstones. You have to admit, their wood and stone vehicle was pretty awesome!

i love the reclaimed wood mixed with iron on the tables….
hey, our brains are thinking alike again, seriously! LOL!!
my current post i’m writing is about timber frame homes….well, kind of different, but it’s all WOOD! My good friend is selling her amazing house and the modern house was built using an old log barn timber frame….hope i’ll finish typing it later and so it should be up manana…..but your reclaimed wood pieces look like her timber posts in her house….just love the texture it gives to a room……
In the post I did before this one it shows some timber frame construction. My cousin builds timber frame homes. Some timber frame is done with new timber and some with reclaimed wood (timber). xo
Hi, I have a one of a kind bench to sell.
It is a Mahogany Root, the whole item is made of that one piece of wood.
Email me at tomassgp667@gmail.com if you are interested to find out more about it.
I am the owner of it not a furniture dealer.