My husband installed the new Lowe’s ceiling light in our Office/dining room. I do have to say I really like the light a lot. It was pretty much what I was envisioning for the space, especially since I’m trying to make it less dining roomish.
Now that it’s up…. I can’t really say one way or another if I’m loving it. I’m wondering if the shade needs to be just a little bigger. Or I’m thinking totally take down the light and have no light at all. Anyway, I’m feeling kind of neutral about it.
We had kind of a problem trying to find this particular light at Lowe’s with a shade that wasn’t dented in on the sides. I don’t know if you remember, but we had to take the first one we purchased back because of a dented in shade. After much searching through the different ones avaiable they eventually took down the display for us because it was the only one that wasn’t damaged. I guess they’ve had problems with the whole shade issue in the past. If you are thinking about a light like this, just make sure you inspect it before you leave. All the boxes were in perfect condition so it wasn’t like they had been returned or opened with damaged boxes…so it’s kind of weird that they had a problem. I think the box was made a little too small and crunched the shade down in the box. Anyway, we were glade they gave us the display model. The other thing about the light is that it uses the new bulbs and I’m just not use to the whole feeling like I’m in a doctor’s glow that it casts. Seriously, I can’t believe we have to use these kind of bulbs…. I miss the old style! Sorry if I sound negative, hopefully this info will help save you a little time if you happen to get this light. 🙂
Before I left the store, I spotted this little cutie!!

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