Yesterday my mom and I were at Home Depot we started to go through Martha’s cabinet catalog and began pulling the paint colors that she has listed inside that totally match her cabinets and walls.
Below are most of them….aren’t they pretty!!
Here are a few more….
So I’m just beginning to hatch a plan to redo our kitchen into a Martha kitchen only do it with in my budget, which is a
whole lot less than what a new kitchen would cost. Actually, right now I have zero budget with tons of ideas. I need to
talk to my husband and see if I can even have a budget 🙂 What if he says $200 hmmm… what if I use some of
my birthday money…. hmmm check back next Monday to see what he says 🙂 Oh, I wanted to say…my husband does the budgeting/ money managing in our family…and I want him to…so don’t think bad of him.
And finally, I leave you with a Martha kitchen photo for inspiration 🙂 Have a lovely Monday!
PS. I just realized my spell checker is faulty… I spelled lovely ….lovly at first and it didn’t catch it!! The only reason I
noticed it is because it was in the last sentence. Normally I type fast and hit the checker for a back up…. this throws a
huge wrench into things. I need to hire a checker that I can send all my posts to that will look them over for me and fix
things…. I guess I’m dreaming again 🙂

How expensive are Martha Stewart’s kitchen cabinets at Home Depot?