When I saw this posted at Krazy Coupon Lady I thought it was amazing!
I just had to share this card table playhouse with you all cuz’ it’s such a cute gift idea!!
For all you who love to sew
or even if you don’t love to sew, but are willing to sew to save money…. this is a great project for you!
We use to love making forts under tables when we were little so the idea of this seems like so much fun. It doesn’t matter if you can stand up or not…the fun part is crawling into your own little space where you can play a game, read a story, or enjoy a snack…the possibilities are endless.
Miss Pretty Pretty on Etsy sells the patterns and the finished product. The DIY patterns range
from $12-$25.00 and the completed ready to hang over your card table versions sell in the $95-250.00 range.
Go check them out….. there are so many cute ones to pick from in all different themes!!

Hello! How could I purchase it? with deliivery to Russia? And how much it’ll be cast? Thanx!
Hi Go here for information http://www.etsy.com/shop/missprettypretty?ref=ss_profile I hope that helps.