In a few weeks I’ll be doing a give-away featuring a book from one of my favorite cooks and entertainers:) Over the next few weeks I’ll be talking about some of the tips that she says make cooking and entertaining so much easier for her…
She said that Parchment paper, Cooks Illustrated (totally agree :), nesting bowls and bakery mixes are very important.
She also said that she only has one kind of Olive Oil on her shelf and that is Olio Santo, a wonderful olive oil from California that is great for cooking, salad dressings and as a dip for bread.
I’m going to have to look for this the next time I’m in the store. If you’re interested and can’t find it, I noticed they have Olio Santo Extra Virgin Olive Oil , 16.9-Ounce Bottle (Pack of 3) at Amazon
and Williams and Sanoma .
PS. My spice drawer looks nothing like hers and needs a ton of work! Just keeping it real and kinda embarassing.
Her spice drawer is neat and organized so she can see what she has and what she needs to buy. Plus, she can put her hands on each spice without turning the drawer upside down 🙂
I guess I have a new project for myself this week:)
PS. She has 68 tips in her book….those were only the first 6.

Oh how I used to love Ina. Many of her recipes remind me of the way my mother cooks. Few, simple, quality ingredients – all homemade. I think she taught Martha most of what she knows. I used to watch her show religiously. I have all her books, some of her cookware, and I love her mixes. But honestly, after the whole Make-a-wish thing, I don’t think I can support her anymore. After the media mess, she tried to play it off like she had no idea about it then offered to cook with the kid but only in the Food Ntwk kitchens – not in her studio in the Hamptons. Dissapointed isn’t even the word.
Hi Rene….love your blog and all your great tips (because I love a bargain)! I also love Ina, and would love to be included in your giveaway. Today is my first on your blog – found it through Copy Cat Chic. Thanks for sharing, I’m going to check out those drapes on the Walmart site.
Honestly, I didn’t know anything about the situation. I just looked up some info that TMZ had online. I guess you can tell I don’t watch the news very often. I can see how you feel disappointed. Maybe you could give her another chance. I’m sure the Make a wish patient would feel bad especially since the mom said he still Loves Ina. I feel sorry for the boy, but I think she is meeting with him. The article I read also said she gives to a lot of organizations including Make-A-Wish and she gets 100’s of requests every month from charitable causes. Who knows why she didn’t meet with him at first. Maybe she’s like me and would probably ball her eyes out the whole time because it would be the saddest thing ever….
I just made and posted her Chicken Salad. I’ve been looking at this book, looking forward to the contest. I enjoy your blog!
I buy my spices at The Spice House in downtown Milwaukee. They come in cellophane, zip lock top packages, but they do offer bottles for $1 each. I found it is far less expensvie to purchase this way. To show the comparison, I bought 1 ounce of ground cloves at the Spice House for $1.79 and at the grocer it was $3.39. I feel fresh spices are a must so, I buy new each fall. I spend about $20 for the year. It’s money well spent to me for I feel high quality spices really do make the dish, and my family deserves it. It’s such a pleasant shopping trip for the aroma in the store is wonderful!
I forgot to mention. Personally, I don’t buy the jars when I buy my spices. I leave them in the cellophane packages, then organize them alphabetically in a plastic rectangle Glad container.
I wish we had a spice house near our home. I love the sound of buying fresh spices the way you do, plus the great savings. I wonder if they sell over the internet…I’ll try and look them up. Thank you so much for the great tip!