The Kindle: Target is the place to go: It’s the only national brick-and-mortar retailer to carry it. The brand new Kindle 3, which is smaller and lighter than previous models, will sell for $189 at Target, the same price as at
Green Cleaning products: Target was the first retailer to carry the Method line of cleaners, which have built a cult following for their attractive packaging and all-natural ingredients, and it currently stocks more Method products (about 70) than any other big-box store. In addition, if you like niche brands of natural cleaning products such as J.R. Watkins Apothecary, Mrs. Meyer’s, and Seventh Generation, you can get them at Target too — as well as hard-to-find, green versions of mainstream products such as Tide Coldwater Free, which works with high-efficiency washing machines and is made without dyes and perfumes.
Groceries: In addition, kids’ snacks such as granola bars and juices can be significantly cheaper at Target than at other big retailers and drugstores, and you can often save more money by registering on Target’s site to have coupons delivered to your smart phone, according to Stephanie Nelson, founder of
Cosmetics: Target’s selection of cosmetics and bath and body products has traditionally lagged behind CVS and Walgreen , says Jim Joseph, president of Lippe Taylor, a brand communications firm in New York City that has worked for clients whose products sell at Target. But recently the retailer has extended its cheap chic strategy to carry more designer cosmetics with quality and selections comparable to more expensive department store brands. Recent offerings in this vein include lines from Napoleon Perdis, Petra Strand, and Jemma Kidd. Target is also a good source for hard-to-find makeup brands, such as the U.K.’s Boots beauty products and Iman Cosmetics.
To check out what not to buy at Target go here to Yahoo.

I love Target!
I go to Target weekly to search for bargains…and there are usually quite a few. I love their new grocery section too…you can even find organic peanut butter for $3.99!
I purchase some of my makeup there…I love the Boots line…made in England or Germany! Can’t beat that.
And because I don’t live near a CPK, I can purchase the barbeque chicken pizza from California Pizza Kitchen in their frozen section…now that’s cool!
Love Target even though I owe them my first born grandchild.
I must say that TIDE is great. I was using an organic detergent and I was allergic to it because of all the lavender in it. Since using TIDE in our HE…I am a happy camper.
I bought the Watkins window cleaner for the bottle and make my own for pennies…but the price at TARGET justified the one-time purchase.
Great post Rene!
hi! i love target too. they have so many neat brands. they are a little $$ in the cosmetics dept. i wish those prices were lower. i sometimes find that some of the cosmetics i buy are the same price at the dept stores. the good thing is that target will allow you to return open cosmetics that you find are not the right color or that you dont like. i love that about the policy. Go target!
Wow I haven’t been to Target lately but sure looks like I need to go check it out. I did know that they carried a good selection of all natural cleaning products. When we lived in California before I started making my own cleansers I would go there and buy the Method brand of cleaners.
Target is the only place in my town that I can get Method products (with any reliability), and it’s the only store that carries E.L.F. cosmetics. I go there frequently just for those two things!
Crystal…I’ll have to check out the E.L.F line!