I’m thrilled that Carrie is here today to guest post and share this cute as can be Lemon Party with us!!
Hello Bargain Hoot fans! I’m Carrie from All that is Sweet in Life and I’m quite the fan myself. I’m a wife and a mother to 2 kiddos, I work full-time and then part time in my photography business, and I love to throw a good party! Life can get really mundane sometimes, and when you are on a budget with very little time, throwing a great party for any old reason can seem like a far-fetched idea. I’m here to prove that thought wrong!
Introducing a Lemon Party. I like being random, I love lemons with their bright flavor and color, and I love getting together with friends. Perfect reason for a party, no?
I think that the details are really what made it special.
Nice linens at a party are what make it beautiful to me, but when you are on a budget, cloth napkins and tablecloths can get super expensive. So, what I do instead is use sheets and pillow cases! I found a gorgeous vintage yellow-floral sheet set at the thrift store and used it to drape my lemon-y tables. Then I found fabric and pillow cases with the same yellow theme and made napkins out of them. So cheap and such a huge impact. After I rolled the napkins, I added tags that spelled lemon in different languages which was a perfect conversation starter with guests.
I decided to make lemon curd for all my guests to take home because well…it’s delicious! Plus, it is a sweet (and sour!) homemade touch and I used lemon curd in two of the desserts. It made everyone feel super happy even after the party.
I made three different kinds of lemonade to give some variety, but strawberry lemonade was the best hit! My recipe: I mixed a simply lemonade bottle from the grocery store and some partly thawed crushed strawberries from the freezer. Easiest drink ever.
I asked some guests to bring their favorite lemon dish (I even got specific… like please bring it on a white plate. Ha!) Everyone loved contributing and it eased my workload tremendously (not to mention my food budget.)
I really love mixing elegance with comfort, so I decided to have everyone sit on quilts to decrease the formality and I placed yellow balloons all around for the decor. It was like a garden party picnic.
I’ll be honest, I didn’t eat anything with lemon for a good month afterwards! …but it was so worth it and really gave us the opportunity to celebrate the little happy things in life.
Thank you Carrie…for sharing one of the most adorable parties ever!!!

I SUPER- love this post! I love anything lemon, and the napkin idea was a steal. Thanks so much for sharing your lovely party….will definitely be saving this one!
Lovin’ your guest hosts this week, Rene!
So summery! And I love the lemon curd party gift idea. YUM!
what an elegant party. i love lemons, but im allergic to them . i love the color, the scent, and the cool refreshing way lemon drinks taste, but i stay away from the stuff. i made lemon curd for a tea i went to, and it is a wonderful gift. straight from the heart.
BEAUTIFUL! Will you invite me to the next party? 🙂
Wow, what a gorgeous party!
Love this lemon themed party! How fun is that? and so perfect for summer coming up! Also wanted to let you know that i received my giveaway cookbook and love it! I will be writing up a post in the next week or so and will let you know when I do. Thanks so much for hosting the giveaway and i look forward to sharing your blog with my readers! Blessings, katie
Love this lemon themed party! how perfect with summertime coming! Wanted to let you know I received my giveaway win cookbook (love it) and will be writing a post soon to highlight your blog and show off my new cookbook. looking forward to sharing your wonderful blog with my readers. katie