Hey you all!! I am looking for some awesome guest posts to fill in for me while I take a little mini vacay from blogging. There is still a little time left in Ohio to enjoy a bit of summer before we see fall and winter set in with a blanket of white!
Plus, I need to spend a little time learning to adjust to our Mac. We decided to make the switch from the PC to the Mac. I’m taking baby steps. You should see our desk top…. I have 2 computers set up as I gradually make the move. Crazy thing…I still can’t figure out how to copy and paste yet on the apple. 🙂 I can see this is going to be a slow process.
Email me at bargainhoot@ymail.com if you are interested….
Thank you so much!
PS our old keyboard and mouse are only working 50%

Hey Renee! I can’t help w/ the guest-blogging since I shut down my own blog (hoping to have a new one soon if we buy a home – fingers crossed!). BUT I do have a suggestion!! There’s one Q that I’ve been DYING to ask you for ohh – over a year now? hah! I remember you saying you have a nifty trick of using electrosol tabs to make whites whiter?? It might sound silly to you but can you do another post about that? On how you soak them, for how long, in the machine? the sink? Pre-soak? Do you add it to the cycle? Just how exactly, you do it? have you ever tried a generic or only the brand name or anything else in its place? Ok, you get the gist, haha! Thanks & enjoy your vacation! 🙂
Dancy…Look forward to you getting your home! I plan to do a follow up test with more exact measurements and steps soon.