It seems like a good idea for me to share with you about the ALCAT test in case
you haven’t heard of it. It’s an amazing allergy blood test that tests for food and chemical
allergies. They give you detailed graphs that rate the severity of the food or chemical sensitivity.
Did you know the foods you’re sensitive to can kinda make you fat…. because you crave
them and react to them. If you go on their site you can read testimonies about people
who have lost weight… who tried everything… and this is what finally worked.
Below is the link and a bit more info.
For the last 24 years, the ALCAT Test has helped both patients and health care
with a tool to successfully overcome a wide variety of conditions, like digestive disorders,
migraines, obesity, chronic fatigue, skin disorders and arthritis, which come from
food and chemical sensitivities.
I took this test several years ago,
but wasn’t serious enough about my diet restrictions to commit to change. I plan to retake it.

Glad to hear you’re gonna give it another shot! I took this test a few years ago, too. I got the full-blown profile and it revealed some very interesting sensitivities that I had. I followed their recommendations for a few months and while it was extremely difficult to do, I felt awesome. My stomach troubles and lethargy seemed much improved. I got lazy, though, and didn’t stick with it as long as I should have.
I recommend this to anyone who is serious about improving their health, but only if you are really going to follow it. Otherwise, it’s an expensive waste.
Good luck with your next attempt!
Thank you for your comment Martha lynn, Do you remember if insurance covered any of your test? I’m thinking it covered some of mine.
A couple of years ago we discovered that my husband is allergic to more than 20 foods, some of which he was eating on a regular basis. I am thinking this test might go a long way to still improving his health. Possibly, mine too!
Hi Julie,
I just took my test and got the results. I just started the rotation diet and am watching for improvement.
I hope you try it and it helps you both.