Source: via Kelsey/TheNaptimeChef on Pinterest
Gina’s Pumpkin Pie Dip use apples or gram cookies/ crackers
Pumpkin cream cheese muffins from the Not So Idle Hands Blog
No Bake Pumpkin Cheesecake Bar (below)

spend wisely ~ give cheerfully
A co-worker made pumpkin pie dip the other day. She served it with gingersnaps. It was surprisingly good for how it looked. It didn’t look near as pretty as this picture though. LOL!
ummm sounds good with gingersnaps… I think my aunt makes something similar and uses snaps. If shes sees this…Hi Aunt Lynda!
The last recipe says “No Bake” but you actually have to bake the crust for a little bit.
wow, i’ve printed off 2 of these…and still have that kisses recipe! (haven’t made it yet, but hope to make that one and these!!)
thx for sharing Rene!
Thanks for the great recipes Rene. My oven will be warm tonight!
Thanks for the comment love Debbie and Jeanette!!xoxo
Your emails/posts always make my day! Stay warm up there and sounds like that pumpkin cooking weather is upon us, yay! I love pumpkin anything…pumkin lattes, pumpkin ice cream….and now i’ve GOT to try that dip…sounds fab….