Create a place to store laundry baskets- I’m rethinking the pedestals we
purchased for under our top loaders. Do you use yours? I’m wondering if
an open laundry basket area makes more sense.
Source: via Elizabeth on Pinterest
Source: via Nicole on Pinterest
Source: via Alison on Pinterest
Source: Uploaded by user via T on Pinterest

Lovely photos, I’m still awaiting for my guy to build a bottom shelf so I can lift my front loaders up and fit baskets like the first picture you shared.
Loving the laundry room inspiration!
We spend so much time there ~ why not make it pretty!
brilliant!!! I think my favorite is the island in the laundry room! Thank you Rene for sharing your finds. Love to you
Love the wooden riser vs the laundry pedestals that come with the front loaders. My pedestals are useless when it comes to laundry room use, as they aren’t tall enough to hold any of the detergents that I buy. They are currently home to inane kitchen gadgets that get little use. I think those wooden risers with baskets make much more sense!
Hi Ashley, I’m with you on the pedestals. Mine are useless. That is something I’d love to have. Either that or no peds just a nice counter on top.