Hi….. I hope you all have been doing well. I’ve missed
blogging this past week and a half.
I’ve had a ton of stuff happening.
I’ll eventually get caught up and share the different
updates and events that have been going on.
For those of you who might be interested….
we did a little face-life on our island.
Here’s the before….
She’s not a bad looking island. We just thought we’d add a few more character lines
to her…. by adding some bead-board framed in MDF.
Our handyman made one big panel and attached it across the whole back side.
He also added seperate panels to each end.
It’s hard to get photos that look straight.
Thank you Handyman Jeff H. You did an excellent job!!!

Looks great! Those little touches can make all the difference!
Thank you Ellie!! I so agree with you about the little touches making such a difference!!!
this island idea is fabulous Rene!! love it! i’m saving that in my “design ideas”..
also love the sock monkeys!
Hey Jeanette!!!!
Thank you for your comment.
I need to connect with you…the showers are over and
my new Grandbaby will be here soon 🙂
my email got hacked.
email me at this email when you have time. bargainhoot@gmail.com
I’m contemplating doing this to my island. I want to do it myself but I’m concerned I may not be able to pull it off! Any pointers?
I think measuring would be key…then you can have all the pieces cut for you at Lowes or HD.
Hi Bargain Hoot,
Love your island!!
I too am thinking of doing this to our island as well. Would you happen to know what size framing wood your handyman used? Looks similar to a two x four and what size wood was used for the 2 accent pieces of wood on the back side.
Thank you so much!!! So sorry….we no longer live in that home or I’d measure it all for you. I remember all of it was preprimed…MDF and a sheet of beadboard cut down. I think it was 4 ” wide but I’m not sure the thickness.