As you may have heard, Google Friend Connect will no longer be supporting non-Blogger blogs as of March 1st. If you read Bargain Hoot through Blogger Dashboard or Google Reader because you’re one of my GFC followers, you will no longer be getting updates from me….. In case you don’t know what I’m talking about and are curious…..That means you clicked the blue box example below …where it says “join this site with Google Friend Connect” (It’s located in my right sidebar…over there>>>>>>>>)
If you friended me a long time ago with Google Friend connect through a bloghop or are a regular reader via GFC I’m really hoping you will take a few seconds and subscribe to BH in a different way! Here are a few different ways:
Subscribing to our RSS feed still allows you to get updates in Google Reader (or phone apps using GR).You can click Subscribe to my RSS feed or go to my right sidebar by my photo and click on the first little icon on the left. That is my RSS Feed…it looks like a little sun beam.
or Subscribe via email by entering your email address in the rectangle box like you see above
It’s easy to find. It’s located in my right sidebar near my photo…over there>>>>>
If you subscribe to my e-mail updates, you’ll get an e-mail message every time I post, with the option to read the entry there or on our site. This will guarantee you don’t miss any BH updates! Subscribe via email.
I recently started using Bloglovin’ which is kind of fun and allows you to be e-mailed daily updates from all of your favorite blogs in one e-mail.It’s better than getting tons of emails from all different blogs Follow my blog with Bloglovin here or click the link in my sidebar>>>>> over there 🙂 Do the arrows help ? 🙂
Thank you so much for your friendship and support. I feel honored that you take the time to read Bargain Hoot!!! I hope that you’ll continue to visit even after GFC disappears on Thursday!

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