A Sock Monkey Shower
in honor of my sweet Daughter-in-law and Grand baby
took place the first week of February.
I’ve been kind of distracted from blogging lately….
so I’m just now getting around to posting some pictures.
I’ve had a few people asking about photos….
so here they are for those of you interested 🙂
I’ll start with the foodies.
We had some sweets…. and eats ….
Jane from Jane’sCakes and Confections made the sock monkey
cake pop favors and sock monkey cookies.
She does anything and everything you ask…she is so talented!!
Tell her you heard of her through Bargain Hoot
and she’ll give you a 5 percent discount.
Plus…. she offers a 10 percent Military discount.
Need a sock monkey cookie cutter for the cookie you see above???
visit www.sweetsugarbelle.com
We had soup and sandwiches from Panera Bread catering
and a speciality salad from a local restaurant.
This chalk board was so quick and easy.
I’ve explained it in another post.
We were so blessed with an amazing group of ladies.
I think we had around 55 total!
Thank the Lord we all fit!! We used every inch of space and tucked
tables and chairs all over the place..
I’ll share more in the next few days…
Photos were taken by Ashley from Beloved Vine Photography.
email her at beloved.vine.photography@gmail.com for more info.

Everything looks beautifully done! Those sock monkey cookies are adorable. 🙂