Here’s a fun idea I saw on Martha Stewart’s site.
She trimmed down Coffee filters to make cute flowers
and filled little cups with jelly beans for a sweet center treat.
I decided to try the process myself.
After a few failed attempts….
I realized that you need to keep your food coloring really strong
in order to achieve the bold color saturation.
First fold your filter in half and cut out the petals.
Cut different petal shapes to make different looking flowers.
Here is a sunflower style.
Time to add some color….
I put 6 drops and a wee bit of water into a dish and painted
mine with a Q tip….Martha used a brush.
Note:Keep 4-5 layers of filters stacked together so the flowers hold their shape.
The colors and styles of flowers are endless…..
Have a blessed day!!!

We just read about sunflowers in Spain during school- yours came out great! This will be a fun craft for the kids- thanks for posting!
Ps- I agree- the weather is nice, but scary…we definitely need rain!
How fun that you just studied about sunflowers…. what a great idea for the kids!
I had a news flash…right after I wrote about the weather…I stepped outside and
got and arctic blast!! It is burrrr I hope I don’t need to get out my winter coats!
I decided to remove the weather comment in my post 🙂
We are ok in the rain department…. you must live farther south or west.