I was looking for a quick No Paint chalkboard that was
adaptable to any situation and
could be cut to any size or shape. Plus, I wanted it at a cheap price!
The black foam board from Hobby Lobby was the perfect fit.
It runs $8.99 for a 32 x 40 piece,
but if you use the 40 % off coupon it’s a steal!
Originally, I was thinking of this as a one time use for a sign,
but there’s no reason to think of this as a disposable item.
* you can actually wipe it with a damp cloth and re write on it….perfect
when you are lacking in the writing skills area (like I am) and need a do-over.
(not sure how many times you can damp wipe it before the paper gives)
*It can be cut and placed in an existing frame or go frameless.
*It looks like a chalkboard and writes like a chalkboard.
*The possibilities are endless!!
Remember the chalkboards I did for the recent
Those were white foam core boards painted with Chalk Paint.
I wish I knew then what I know now…. I wouldn’t have had to spend money
on paint and wait for the dry time.
Great for signs, gift tags, food pics, themed events (example: elephant)..silhouettes etc.
& Room art.
I’m linking up at:

Because I’m an idiot and easily confused, I need clarification on this idea. So, there is black
foam board that will work as a chalkboard? No spray paint? (Which I blame for my idiocy and lack of understanding of simple projects). Quite frankly, this is just too good to be true!
You are correct! There is a black foam board that can be used as a chalkboard and cut to any shape and size!!!! This is one of my favorite projects to date!!
I just went to Hobby Lobby today and asked them if this would work – they didn’t know. So THANK YOU! We are going to use this idea for an upcoming wedding.
Marti…how great for a wedding!! My only concern would be for an outdoor wedding and rain…. you could totally just make up all your signs in advance.
This looks like an awesome idea and I’m excited to give it a try! I pinned it too 🙂
Thanks Bev!! It is super easy and quick!!
I love the idea so much! How do you cut it? Scissors? X-Acto Knife?
Hi Holly!!! Thank you!! I used an x-acto knife….
I just Google-d Chalk paint Tags and this came up in the results. Great Idea Rene’. 🙂
So glad you found me through Google!!! Thanks for the sweet comment!! Hilani
How do you hang it to the wall? Great idea. Bought a magnetic and kids hate it.
Hi Tammy- I just used duct tape and a wire or string.
Not sure that’s the best solution for kids- probably just using chalkboard paint right on the wall would work better- if you have a spot….