This is a very random post…unlike one I’ve ever written.
Can anyone really explain what happened to NASA?
What happened to all those little boys dreams of becoming an astronaut?
Was it really to expensive? Couldn’t they have trimmed the spending
in other ways….hmmm just venting tonight 🙂
Anybody else disappointed?
I know it isn’t new news….. it just made me think about it when
I saw the Russian photos of earth on yahoo’s homepage.

NASA is still around, but the shuttle program retired. American astronauts still go to space- they just need to catch a ride! An American just took off from Kazakhstan yesterday to go to the International Space Station. 🙂
Thanks for the comment Jackie….
I’m glad we have a way to get to space, but what happens if our Russian friends ever get mad at us and
don’t want to give us a ride? Hopefully, that won’t happen…. I’m just saying….
Yes, NASA is still around. The concerns you have are ours, too, since we live in the town that launches the shuttle. Many lay offs, houses in foreclosure, businesses failing, churches closing their doors. It’s a shame what’s been done by the President. Very sore subject in these parts. Hopefully, a new man in the White House will renew our commitment to being a leader in space exploration instead of a tag along.